This has some reasonable free stuff, but it is basically just a front for which you can check out on sitejabber - they seem like a bunch of crooks as far as I could tell from those reviews. Since they had poisoned that site's reputation, it looks like they started up this ( to avoid their bad rep. So check out their free stuff, but don't give them any credit card info would be my recommendation.
They have good advices, but most of their information is pretty basic and doesn't help treat a serious problem like a herniated disc. In addition, it seems that the page has not been maintained for a long time, which means that the information is not useful or reliable, having already made several advances in the medical field.
It's only worth the (few) free tips and information. For everything else, it asks for card information to give advice that is useless and doesn't work at all. It looks like a site looking to scam people, despite the very little useful information it contains.