Michigan Chiropractic Specialists

Michigan Chiropractic Specialists

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January 2, 2023

I've been to dr. Apfelblat a month ago and it's such a great doctor. I'm so happy I found this place on the web search. My headache wes awful and now it's finally getting better. Very very thankful for all the help. Also, the girl on reception was very nice.

Date of experience: December 31, 2022
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I have suffered from migraines for years and have tried several different medications and other remedies, and have gotten little to no relief. I always heard that seeing a chiropractor could help with migraines, so I figured that it couldn't hurt to give it a try. A friend of mine referred me to Dr. Apfelblat at Michigan Chiropractic Specialists, and I immediately noticed a difference in my migraines. I have also noticed a difference in the lower back pain that I experience. I truly feel that Dr. Apfelblat genuinely cares about her patients, and really wants them to find relief of any pain that they may be experiencing. I am so glad that I decided to start seeing a chiropractor, and am thankful that the one that I chose to see is Dr. Apfelblat at Michigan Chiropractic Specialists.

Date of experience: October 19, 2017