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Absolutely bad policy & customer service
February 18, 2023

Absolutely bad policy. I bought a lifetime license for all products and it worked - until I upgraded my computer - now it doesn't.

The license removal tool they offered 13 years ago is not available anymore and customer service is not willing to help although I'm in accordance to the current license agreement.

I already tried their customer service for some time to help, but it sounds like standard phrases that do not help me, but only them if I buy another license. But honestly I rather shop elsewhere.

Date of experience: February 16, 2023
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First the good. The AVS4YOU software suite has some great features and pretty good quality for the price. One feature that I find very helpful is it's integration with Windows Explorer - you can right click on a file and AVS options are added into the list of selections (for example you can easily select "convert to..."
Now for the bad. The very frustrating part of this software that I have just discovered is that when you buy an unlimited subscription, it is in fact limited - limited to one specific computer. My computer died and when I tried to install the software on my new computer, I discovered that they only allow it to be installed on one device and have no option, as many other software companies do, of clearing the license so that it can be installed on a new computer. So it has to be purchased again (though they do offer a $20 discount).

Date of experience: February 4, 2021
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I purchased their "Unlimited" back in 2009. I have the original policy for it. Since then it has been changed to say, if you get a new PC you need to purchase a new key at a discount. Brutal. Dealing with their support team is also very brutal. Their support site is archaic and so is the staff apparently. There is better Free software out there. Don't waste your money here.

Date of experience: February 29, 2024
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I've used for years
March 30, 2023

I've use this service since they first came out, so I'm very familiar with the product. I got the newest, updated software and it's terrible. Constantly crashes. I will be uninstalling the new software and reinstalling the old. Very disappointed.

Date of experience: March 30, 2023
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I purchased and "Unlimited" license for this software. Since then, their license has changed and now expires the moment you have to replace your computer or motherboard. They will not allow you to transfer your license to your new computer. They do offer you a "discount" to buy another license but, in my case, their discounted price was greater than what I paid for the original "unlimited" license. I refused. I have switched to the Movavi Video Suite which I am quite happy with. Movavi license includes the ability to move your license to a new computer up to 6 times.

Date of experience: March 14, 2023
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Partly Resolved
January 6, 2020

After posting several other reviews on similar sites I have been contacted and advised that one only license has been reactivated. So I cannot give five stars as I did on other sites because I still believe that at least two should have been reactivated. One is better than none, though.

Date of experience: January 6, 2020
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Many years ago I bought the lifetime subscription in order to use their video editor. It worked pretty well, wasn't hard to use and fulfilled most of my needs. Over the years, I have tried these:@*******@document *******@media player@ audio editor

All have been easy to learn and provided adequate if not great results. For non-professionals i highly recommend AVS4you.

Every few years, my computer dies and their customer service provides quick and timely service to get me up and ready again. For the price, you will seldom find a better deal. Thank you AVS4you

Date of experience: April 22, 2021
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I have been an AVS customer for many years and upgraded to an unlimited license for their products a few years ago. Last month I built a new computer (the old one was 6 or 7 years ago) and moved all my software license keys (Adobe, Microsoft, SnagIt, Nuance, etc.) to my new machine.

But the AVS license could not be deactivated and reactivated on the new machine. They told me it was *permanently* bound to the original machine that it was installed on. Tough luck if your motherboard dies (I had one like that) or if you upgrade to a new computer. You have to buy their unlimited license again every time you upgrade.

The policy disgusts me, a loyal customer who bought their top-of-the-line product license. Thus, I'm posting my experiences here. Maybe someone else can learn from my pain.

Date of experience: February 18, 2020
New York
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Nothing unlimited about this program. The company expects for you to own the same computer for 30 years. Please read when you purchase from them... unlimited only means same pc and same computer for life... smh

Date of experience: August 30, 2019
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Buyer beware! There are a ton of complaints like this on the web and on the AVS4YOU site in the forum section. I, too, am having this issue. I paid for an "unlimited" license. Just didn't know AVS4YOU's definition of unlimited. I think they define it as MONEY4THEM.

Date of experience: January 5, 2023


AVS4YOU has a rating of 3.1 stars from 197 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with AVS4YOU most frequently mention video editor, support team and customer service. AVS4YOU ranks 1st among Audio Converter sites.
