I signed onto Avaaz once for a petition. To my shock, I opened my inbox this morning to find an email from them perpetuating the new left-wing, Communist lies about how the right is trying to take over the world. Their references were based entirely on left-leaning websites, some of these sources are known for the fact that they lie on a continual basis! They were begging me for money to stop the right from, well, being the Right. I am so angry. The Communists and Fascists are marching on...
Global People Power! Add your name do some good. Change something for the better!
You know when you read something in the news and think 'I wish someone would DO something about that' or 'That's outrageous I really ought to write to my representative / MP / senator or whatever' but somehow, you usually never get around to actually doing it?
Well, the Avaaz Organisation utilises the power of the internet to highlight just those issues and bring the views of millions of Avaaz members to governments, authorities, organisations and businesses around the world.
The multi-lingual website www.Avaaz.org shows current campaigns and highlights where they claim to have made a difference.
When an issue comes to the fore they will email you and ask for your signature on a combined petition which will then be sent to where it will have most effect.
It's a neat idea and Avaaz now has more than 7.3 million participants.
I have signed up for several petitions on causes that I feel riled about but do not go along with each and every cause Avaaz supports. It does sometimes feel like 'Rent-a Crowd' but I think the positive effects out-weigh the negatives.
7.3 million is a lot of people to have on your case few institutions can ignore numbers like that. Good idea, Avaaz well done!
After making a one off donation of $12 in 2020 AVAAZ has continually deducted that amount every month since, even after I contacted them and was told they'd rectify it. Last month they deducted $36 from my credit card. I have contacted them again, asking them to desist, but have had no response from them.
I considered signing a petition on Avaaz.org, but didn't when they obliged me to login w/ my FB acct (thus taking my personal info + my friends' list amongst other data mining intrusions), so i didn't sign & backed out of the page. HOWEVER! They captured my 'signature' anyway, so they now have (illegally) obtained this info. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING ON AVAAZ unless you'd like to have your info taken by them!
I donate because they support local organizations throughout the world --local organizations that best know local communities' needs and are effective in meeting those needs.
Almost everyone I speak with feels despair about the future of our planet and all life on it, but AVAAZ is actually doing something possible. It's so difficult to pull humanity out of our handwringing negative weeping,but AVAAZ is combining all the tiny hopes and plans we still hold to fight and win the battles we are each too small to fight on our own. WE ARE ONE is the beautiful message I receive from the courage of AVAAZ.
Today 01.07.2021 They sended to me mail "they killed one of us" I decided to check source. This man was killed 3 years ago. Looks like you manipulate us with this email to get money. Unsubscribed
Helps stop internet censorship which is extremely important making this site awesome.
Avaaz has a rating of 2.8 stars from 11 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Avaaz ranks 12th among Non Profit sites.