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Log you out every 2 weeks
September 1, 2022

Very poor customer service! I called them 5 minutes ago and they had put me on hold and never came back. I spend about 6 months per year out of the US. The at&t logs me out of my email every 2 weeks and do not allow me to log in back to my email when I am outside of the US, like now. I have to change password every 2 weeks and they send me a code to my secondary email address, the g-mail account, which never logs me out and keeps my email safe better than att. When I kept receiving McAfee Antivirus spam emails, I always reported them as spam, but the att was not able to register that and kept these annoying emails clutter my inbox. Very poor service!

Date of experience: September 1, 2022
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So so
June 3, 2018

Honestly I can say AT&T had great service in my area, I never experienced any problems with issues regarding service. I also do believe AT&T was if not the first carrier, one of the first to implement the next and iPhone upgrade programs which was a turning point for their competitive carriers as they were also a good price value for the services they offered. The only thing I would have to list as a con, is how much of a difference I was paying monthly compared to other mobile network providers. I was skeptical to switch at first, because I really did enjoy working with them as their customer support team is also very helpful. It all just came down to pricing to be completely honest. A phone is a phone and as long as I can make the call and stream the web without interruption, there wasnt a point in paying that big of a difference. When you have family plans, things add up. As for now, I dont know if they have caught on to the bandwagon since 2015, but overall great company. My only suggestion would be to add more perks for consumers to take into consideration as to why it would be best to sign off to your services. (Example: T-mobile travel perks, where you can use same services provided monthly in certain countries upon travel)

Date of experience: June 2, 2018
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On 5/2/19, I switched my cable and internet services over to AT&T. The installation was fine, the cable service and internet itself is fine. When I went in to set up my new email account, I got an Authentication Failure 2.0 error message, I called them the following day and was informed it was a was a system problem that would be fixed within 72 hours, probably less. Monday comes, I check their site again, it still isn't letting me set up my email, same message. I call again, and get basically nowhere with there tech dept.; who thinks it is a password problem on my end, it isn't. I give them another couple days, checking the site a couple times a day to see if I can get on, and no luck, I also check online forums for tips, non of which work. My last call to their main customer service # was on 5/9, the first person I spoke with was of no help, before that the automated system tried helping by telling me to unplug for 10 seconds and plug back in to reset, didn't work, was transferred to 2nd person who was supposed to know more, but didn't; ended up on hold for 30+ min without any check ins before I hung up. I find it very hard to believe that AT&T's whole email system is down for this length of time without any news coverage,
For a company of this size, I find their lack of caring and follow thru shocking. My final messages were to the people I spoke to when I signed up for the service. If they want me to keep the internet portion, they will return my call.

Date of experience: May 12, 2019
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Prepaid plan
October 26, 2021

If you like to ATT prepaid plan, beware of the following. It is run or at least billed by VESTA which maybe a lower branch of the company. SIM that is available is from a Porto Rico company bought by ATT many years ago. 5G is not available in this plan but default sim setting is more suited for 2G. In order to get 4G you have to start from factory setting and work your way to 4G.
Stores personnel and their phone tech personnel are not familiar with this plan at all. To get the tech by phone you have to wait 30 to 50 minutes before getting someone who is not trained to deal with ins and outs of plan. For example MNC in Access Point is set at 280 and can not be change it to 410 even though tech tell you to change it. Call and text are ok but streaming like listening to Pandora while driving is constantly interrupted, I assume because of jumping from one tower to another.
ATT from the get go treating you as step son (customer). From the first month my ATT app is not available to you and after a month you still are kick to another site which provide a very basic information. The companies ha pig back on ATT or Verizon like consumer cellular and spectrum unfortunately are not any better. Just Beware!

Date of experience: October 26, 2021