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This is a website where many types of asians go to to blog about who knows what. The forums are something to pay attention as they hold many dirty secrets. Kids start so much drama and there are adults on that website who post nude pics of teenage girls on the forums for everyone to see and humilate. I've found it difficult to enjoy this website as the moderators aren't even doing their job to remove these dirty topics. It's not just one post, but hundreds of topics on their forum sections with nude pictures. The worst thing yet is that there are little kids who are able to sign up into this website and gain full access into these forums and guess where they learn to talk from, thats right the forums. If you just pick any topic I'm sure you'll find trash talk amongs the people. This site is terrible and should be shut down since the administrators can't seem to maintain it properly.

Date of experience: April 7, 2010