Berkman Klein Center

Berkman Klein Center

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Everytime i caught someone slipping in the military we made sure they never used a magnet to their hardrive and if they tried to destroy evidence we would recover the data by putting records back together plates and several other functions. And see the one aspect of any type of criminal minded individual is they leave evidence behind everytime. And like the federal intelligence some don't even know their being watched and investigation been started. All it takes is an anonymous phone call or email and the process starts until finished. I encourage all who is indigenous to protect yourselves by staying highly educated and sometimes you have to setup traps. My positive thoughts exactly. The Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking laws have evolved since then so make sure you keep up to date. What i did to perpetrators is simply let them follow me until i stopped. Let every note i took and texts i copied and pasted to include times i posted be the evidence or finding including accounts and their postings came out to be a trend like following a specific pattern. I let others of my circle look at it and compare and contrast and they found the same results seriously. And my case is pretty straight forward as the perpetrators is not from my cultures and my life of which is real vs their awkward fabrications of which was and is an obvious attempt of harassment. Yes some of those individuals is sickening and twisted as they could only snag a word out of my phrasing and thought pattern not knowing the logic behind it all. I would have left the incident alone and be done with it all until the close your account banner popped up and mentioned on the behalf of the owner and website that it was sorry i had a bad experience and sorry to see me leave and they knew some accounts or people are causing problems within the website and me as a former System Administrator you know who is creating problems and you know how easily for people egos to get caughtup in thr cyberworld. I went through military training on this field specifically so i never did the internet thing but only to reach out to family and friends and keep my information safeguarded that is just about it. So basically that negligence of the owner and mods gave me the impression that they see whats going on and refuse to take action of cyberbullying and stalking and harassment. Now let it be them...a different story indeed. Let it be me as the owner and or one of the mods then i would silence the account holders by banning them to include if their cyber behvaior deemed unethical and suspicious i would have gave their information over to the feds and state authorities with no questions asked cause they would. When the time comes to have them compare lives and lifestyles and Self-Education and reasoning behind their texts to include times of postings vs mine then it will show tremendous evidence of Cyberstalking which started out as Cyberbullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment. I never have no fear just plain justice. Cause if it was them then i would be probably talking to the FED now or kicked off the previous website. Thats why i take my life serious and people who don't know me or anyone who try and conduct themselves in a fashion appropriate to other likeminds and for myself other people of my Roots, think and feel its a joke based on their ego and past dealings with another person ot themselves and probably caught up in a world of fantasies until reality hits them with the law. I had the website of which started the cyberstalking, cyberbullying harassment and sexual harassment under federal surveillance and they didn't even know it. See if adults are acting and behaving like cyberbullies and cyberstalkers and people who uses harassment as a form of power to do harm by creating an atmosphere of great conflict and claim no responsibility, then i think those same individuals should not complain when the youth follow their actions cause to be honest the youth is not contracting behaviors like stds no...they are following in the patterns of individuals just like the ones who had persecuted. True story of this year. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.

Date of experience: April 22, 2018