Asian Love Mates

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I read all the stuff that these guys said before going to Thailand. They were right. Make sure you stay for the maximum amount of time, otherwise, you will end up extending. And I'm like, 10 days, it's cool with me, I'll be good in 10 days. And I actually extended another five days. Because I met somebody, and I wanted to spend more time with her. The money is nothing now. All of a sudden, it's like, wow, this is fully worth every dime.

Date of experience: June 27, 2024
New York
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Favorable experience
February 8, 2023

The only two women that I corresponded with were over forty which was in my desired age group. What your preferred criteria may be is your criteria. You may eliminate the perfect woman for too strict of a requirement list. But stick to it and focus! Not easy to focus with over a hundred pretty ladies with bright expectant brown eyes and long black hair all trying to get your attention. The socials are a whirlwind of fun games, laughter, talking and meeting with every lady! It is a lot to take in - keep notes and stay focused! You may actually find the woman of your dreams...I did.

Date of experience: February 6, 2023
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I highly recommend it. It's the real deal. For me, I had a dream and now I'm living it. I am very happy with everything that's happened. Take the advice I did, don't wait, don't hesitate to go to Thailand on a tour. But I think it's wise to talk to the women in advance rather than hoping to meet somebody at the socials. But do your research before you go, don't go there unprepared. You should correspond with any women you see on the site that interest you and establish some sort of relationship. Then when you're physically in touch with each other you can see how it goes.

Date of experience: May 18, 2023
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So far, so good
March 15, 2022

Solid dating site for those seeking the love of Asian women. They have a large selection of beauties and also provide you with every opportunity to meet them in person. As a middle-aged American, I have a strong preference for Filipina's and I'm planning a trip to Cebu City in the not too distant future. Only wish they could launch a mobile app to compliment their easy-to-navigate web app.

Date of experience: March 15, 2022
South Carolina
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What I needed
November 8, 2022

Having been divorced for a while now, I sought out a new life partner with the help of this agency. I have always loved the Philippines and I finally made it back there last month. Long story short - my goal was a new, long-lasting relationship. And I found it. It wasn't a breeze. There were cultural differences and language barriers. But this agency provided the service I was looking for. Their expert matchmakers set me up with the most compatible matches, one which ended up being my fiancee. If you're truly interested in a filipina or asian woman, I recommend you sign up here and begin your search.

Date of experience: November 7, 2022
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My advice
December 5, 2022

This is my brief input and advice from the experience I had on the Cebu tour. And that is, do not sell yourself or her short! Deciding on your future partner in life for the rest of your life is not an offhand decision. It takes time and turmoil of emotions for both of you. Get to know the women/woman, and let them know the man. Take as much time to do that as you possibly can - stay for the one week tour (or longer if possible) a week flies by entirely too fast.

Date of experience: December 4, 2022
Costa Rica
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Expert matchmakers
August 1, 2023

Noime and I are still enjoying wedding bliss. All made possible by their talent for bringing people together so they may enjoy life. Our lives could not be any happier. I hope potential clients will put away their fear and skepticism and take that BIG STEP to the Philippines and meet a beautiful lady that'll change lives for both. I admit, I was a bit scared until that first social party, when after 30 minutes I knew I had made the right decision. Noime and I sincerely thank you for your help in our marriage.

Date of experience: July 31, 2023
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Loved Thailand
October 27, 2022

A big thank you to this agency for putting on a great Social in Thailand. I really enjoyed it. Many thanks to the staff members in Bangkok for all their great dedication and assistance. It was great. I met a ton of great ladies. I recommend a social to all the single guys considering this.

Date of experience: October 26, 2022
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Follow Alan F.
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I had a wonderful tour in Cebu. The socials were absolutely great. The function and the tours were fabulous, with all the places that you get to see and the people that you meet. The people in the Philippines are so warm and friendly. And I just felt at home there. From the moment I got off the plane when I was met. I just felt at peace. And I really feel at peace now because I fell in love with a beautiful woman. If this is what you're looking for in life, a Filipina is the woman for you. They're so loving and giving, and just the most fabulous.

Date of experience: February 26, 2024
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Extraordinary service
January 18, 2024

The skillful facilitation of such an event by their amazing, extraordinary and warm staff was second to none. I was extremely impressed with how flawless things flowed from beginning to end. The patience that their staff exhibited was superb, truly a comfort to the group of men on the tour. The time I spent there in Davao with their staff and over 200 beautiful Filipina women has and will continue to impact my life from that day forward. The experience is ever present on my mind. I do believe that I found who I was looking for, but time will tell if she has found what she is looking for. One thing I know for sure is that there is a woman in Davao that is ready for the deluge of love and affection that I have to offer, and that she is offering too.

Date of experience: January 17, 2024