Personally, I signed up to this service because my good friend recommended me trying it. I really felt uncertain about it as Im an old bachelor who was always convinced serious relationships werent for him. I cant say that my intentions are that serious now but I finally made up my mind to dating. Since women in my nearby area never seem too great for me, I decided to test my luck overseas at least, Slavic girls are indeed beautiful. No venture, no gain, after all! So I will see.
Another cool website. Bright colors are just perfect for this tool. What I like is that a site doesnt freeze up. Unfortunately, my boss can leave his office any moment, so all the windows can be easily closed in a blink of an eye)))) you know what I mean. Therefore, if youve a roommate or live with a mother, I highly recommend.
Yesterday a dilemma arose: i realized that i have two dates at the same time on this site. If online conversation can be cheating, ofc. Please don't start about your biring lives, what do i do?
I got two cousins married via this. Probably wouldnt be here otherwise if not for them. I guess the never-say-never rule applies here to everyone.