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I am not known for one to write reviews; however I feel compelled to everyone who makes homemade wine that they should own this product. I began making wine 4 years ago and I can honestly say that if I did not buy this pump after my first year, then I would not be making wine today. The hassles of lifting heavy carboys, transferring from one carboy to another, degassing with a drill, along with the bottling "nightmare", truly made me wonder why people would call this a hobby. After purchasing the, those headaches went away. My 2 brothers and brother-in-law liked it so much (constantly borrowed mine) that they convinced each of their wives to buy one for their xmas gifts! The owner of the company (Steve) backs his product 100% and is one of the most conscientious business owners I have ever met. Thanks Steve!

Date of experience: June 4, 2016