American Kennel Club (AKC)

American Kennel Club (AKC)

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AKC has always been about advertising puppy mills. Not rescue. Not humane treatment of animals. Just marketing for puppy mills. Let that soak in.

Date of experience: September 28, 2024
New York
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Don't buy their dog tags
July 4, 2022

I bought a microchip tag from them after registering my dog and after just two weeks it's chipped and faded. This is the AKC. Surely they can afford to have decent quality tags. You're better off buying an engraved tag (for cheaper) with the microchip ID instead.

Date of experience: July 4, 2022
New York
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AKC means nothing
February 11, 2024

Unlike in EU dogs most have something special in order to breed them not only health but most excel at some type of work unlike akc or they care about is the fee nothing else is a joke!.

Dont fall for US breeders as most breed for money not quality, you are buying sa product not a living animal.

Date of experience: February 11, 2024
New Jersey
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AKC supports puppy mills
September 15, 2022

You think because you find your dog on the AKC website you're not getting a dog from a puppy mill? Think again. I called spoke to Pam whom was very rude, and was told point blank" puppy mills can post and sell on out AKC site. The puppies can be sickly, have fleas and worms. Not our problem, we only take care of the registration ". Disgusting

Date of experience: September 15, 2022
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Absolute worst toy ever!
February 11, 2023

Bought my dog an American Kennel Club, hard plastic tug of war, squeaky toy. I gave it to him, I saw him shaking his head back and forth which of course I thought he was playing with it and then I realized it was stuck in his mouth and under his chin! Absolutely worse toy I've ever bought! Will never buy from this company again!

Date of experience: February 11, 2023
New York
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Covered Bridge Saint Bernard, Jena&Matt
I want to share my deeply disappointing experience with this breeder. Despite signing a contract and eagerly awaiting my puppy, the breeder abruptly reneged on the sale, which not only caused inconvenience but also raises ethical concerns. This sudden change of heart is not only unprofessional but morally wrong as it impacts both the emotional well-being of the buyer and the welfare of the puppy involved. Breeder lacks professionalism as well as commitment. Prospective buyers should be cautious when considering this breeder. I was also speaking with the transporter as well, he told me he was doing great with time and might be arriving earlier than anticipated. She did refunded my money back, but all the money I spend out of pocket for the arrival of the puppy was not. Who does this 8 hours before the puppy was suppose to be deliveredI also want to add that she quoted me $3000 and on good dog her price is advertised at $2500.!

Date of experience: November 17, 2023
New York
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I recently bought a pup whom I foolishly took home without the paperwork. I trusted Top Dogg Giant Schnauzers. 2 months later after asking I get the paperwork. To my surprise the AKC Litter Certificates says my pups parents AND the grandparents were brother and sister from same litter. Upon contacting AKC they said they do not have a policy on "inbreeding" they leave that up to the discretion of the breeders. Really! Doesn't that increase the chances of the pups from such a litter being genetic cesspools? Buy a pup from a breeder that has a "Genetic" and "Health" guarantee.

Date of experience: February 19, 2023
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January 16, 2023

I have emailed several requests to the AKC Fit Dog address. Two for Turkey Trot medals and one for Fit Dog checklist for instructors. I have had no responsive from AKC. Please respond to my emails. Thank you.

Date of experience: January 16, 2023
New York
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Poor customer service
November 2, 2021

I ordered pet candles from their store in August, now November and after 5 contact attempts still no candles or refund. I was on hold for over 45 minutes on the phone and gave up, so sent yet another email. Very unprofessional and am out over $80 :(

Date of experience: November 2, 2021
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I absolutely HATE these guys! I would NEVER trust their word in regards to ANY matter. All these breed standards are ridiculous and completely arbitrary. I swear these guys just make things up as they go. If you're purchasing a dog, and they're "AKC certified". Take this with a grain of salt, because it means absolutely NOTHING! This is their way of making money, not assuring you that you have a healthy dog. This place supports puppy mills! This place is a scam! You're playing a game by their rules. I hope this place becomes nonexistent one day! Please don't support these people and spread awareness of their corruption! 0 stars!

Date of experience: August 18, 2019


American Kennel Club (AKC) has a rating of 1.7 stars from 69 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with American Kennel Club (AKC) most frequently mention customer service and puppy mills. American Kennel Club (AKC) ranks 85th among Dog Breeding sites.
