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February 15, 2019

Airport Pilot is an absolutely fantastic place to shop for Serengeti sunglasses, as well as anything related to flying. I've purchased two pairs of Serengeti sunglasses from these folks, and each time the shades were authentic, brand new, and simply gorgeous.And, there's no need to worry if your shades are real, since they're an authorized Serengeti retailer. Oh, and before I forget, not only do they offer outstanding products and customer service, they also have great prices. I'm an actual customer, not a shill, and receive no compensation nor have any financial interest in this company. I just think they're great people to do business with.If you're looking to buy some Serengeti shades, you should check out airportpilotshop. Ask for Amanda, she's very helpful.

Date of experience: February 14, 2019