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I was only on the site three days when I first sent a message to Pamela and she sent a message back almost right away. Over the next few days we began chatting and soon talking on the phone. Well, its be magical. We have now met in person and we really have fallen in love. For me she is everything that I have ever wanted in a partner for life and she feels the same way. We hope that soon we will marry and begin our life together. I've been searching for a long time, was on many different sites but AgeRomance was the place that brought us together. Thanks for this wonderful site.

Date of experience: June 26, 2014
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Hey, who cares!
May 4, 2014

Hey, who cares! My boyfriend thinks the same with me. He is eight years older than me, lol. We met online at nice place for younger women and older men, or older women and younger men, to interact with each other.

Date of experience: May 4, 2014