The owner of this site and location is a hard core racist. Uses the n word freely on facebook, has picture with Confederate flag and makes posts against the BLM movement. I think his customer have a right to know who their money is supporting. Oh and he also deleted any negative reviews on fb.
I have bought two vehicles from Abernathy's online. The 4 hour drive was worth the experience. I bought a Honda Rancher and a Honda Motorcycle from them. The price I was quoted was the price I paid, not a penny more. The vehicles were ready when I arrived. Spent less than an hour onsite until I was loaded and back on the road to Indiana. Their personnel were friendly, helpful and professional. I would buy from them again in a heartbeat!
Owner is a racist and believes black people should go back to where they come from. Attached below is a screenshot of such statement
The owner stated he would like for blacks to go back to Africa and called them monkeys and apes. He has made several posts.
The owner of this establishment is very racist as noted from his social media page. Very hard core racist who loves to use the N word.
The owner is a known racist. Will not support a business like this! Take your money somewhere where the owner has more moral values.
Don't shop here. Racist owner. Wants black peope to die. Run run run run away. Don't give them your money