Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Web.com staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
We are located in Australia and trying to make contact is virtually impossible. They don't respond to emails, Calling them is an expensive international phone call, The time zone is completely different so I had to call at some ungodly hour of the morning, they are not friendly and find dealing with customers a big pain. They offer no real value and have no idea of what customer service is.
By Richard H., over a year old

I had to ring my credit card company and get them to stop the payment
By christine p., over a year old

Hey there Mira - if you call into our customer support lines at 1-866-655-7679 we'd be happy to help!^MB
By Mike B., over a year old

Hi Kim! We do have an affiliate program, more info here: https :// www.web. Com/partnerships/affiliates^MB
By Mike B., over a year old

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Typical questions asked
How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?