Questions & Answers


Asked by steven l. on 8/19/2015

5 Answers
John H.10/25/2015

I cancelled Spokeo service due to selling me misinformation or inaccurate information. I got this in writing from David at Spokeo. They are good about sending a letter about we are sorry about not meeting your expectations. Our terms of use states we can do this blah blah blah.
After I cancelled this subscription and got this in writing from David, I got a new debit card from my bank. Spokeo found the NEW CARD and charged it. I took the problem to my bank and got a credit. Be very careful of these people, watch your bank statements.
Camp H.9/16/2021

You can't, you will pay $19,95 a month till you cancel your card
Stacey D.4/2/2019

Call and demand they cancel it. Threat of a bad review of Spokeo did it
Cynthia S.8/19/2015

Call 1-800-699-4264 and tell them to cancel and not to bill your credit card statement again. Your credit card should fight the charges for you if you call them and tell them spokeo is not authorized to bill you. Tell them you will give them a bad reveiw if your not satisfied. Don't let them talk you into anything. Say No and don't give in.
Rich C.8/19/2015

Watch for the $20 charge at the end of the month. They say a person is out, then the charge comes a month later. Had to cancel my card and get new # to keep them out of my wallet.

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