Questions & Answers

I would like to get my money refunded. I just signed up tonight but was not aware you do not search internationally and then when I go to look up something it seems i get asked for more money so I think I should just quit while I'm ahead. Peggy S Benning

Asked by Peggy K. on 7/9/2015

5 Answers
Rich C.7/10/2015

Watch for the $20 charge at the end of the month. They say a person is out, then the charge comes a month later. Had to cancel my card and get new # to keep them out of my wallet.
Wayne C.7/9/2015

You may be right to quit while you are "ahead". International search is much more complicated than US searches, as the data bases are uniform in US. I would say there is no guarantee with respect to international searches if it is not a feature that the website promotes. I would limit my purchases to search websites that specialize in international sourcing. As far as getting refunded; you will never get it if you do not ask for it. Good Luck.
Emmanola B.7/9/2015

Well, I emailed them when I felt that their wording about their fee was misleading, and I paid $20something when I thought I'd be paying $3something, and they actually did refund me the difference. They were not obligated to; and I was only claiming that they their wording was confusing, not untrue, so maybe with the bad publicity they are more inclined to give refunds. Worth a try.
John H.10/25/2015

As to misleading information, this is something that may help.
There are five points to a contract in order for it to be valid.
1. Unambiguous... 2. Consideration... 3. Capacity... 4. No illegal acts
5. Mutual agreement
Sharon J.7/10/2015

I agree with all the answers. Demand your money back. I had to email them from work (I'm chief of staff to a state rep in GA) and they stopped charging my husband. Be firm and don't take no for an answer. Last resort, call your bank/ credit card company and block them or get new accounts. Good luck!

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