Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Nextdoor staff and previous consumers.

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The negative reviews are honest reactions to being duped into sharing too much personal information (that Nextdoor now owns and will NEVER delete and will continue to sell to advertisers until your dying day) to join a site that seems friendly on the surface, but which does NOTHING to protect users. I was bullied by a convicted murderer, who is a Lead in my neighborhood--and I was banned from the site for complaining. Leads are nothing more than early adopters of the site who have been assigned power over other users so that Nextdoor does not have to police it's own site. In short: No. The negative reviews are not wrong. Heed them! I wish I had known before it was too late!
By Cassandra d., over a year old

Forget about nextdoor and leads. Get a life, a real one. Don't waste your time with toxic online communities that tend to get the worst out of people. My advise is run away while you still have some dignity left.
By Nikoleta M., over a year old

Kay is right. That is their policy. However, don't expect them to hold to it. We have leads unfairly removing only some people's comments and Nextdoor does nothing about it. Best bet, dump nextdoor.
By Michelle S., over a year old

Neighborhood. Rocks is in development. Another 6 months.
By Frito C., over a year old

Truth is like oil and water. As long as the scam artist have enough venture capital (other people's money) they will continue to shake the bottle leaving it a murky view obscuring the truth. Run out of cash, they'll be exposed for the incompetent boobs they are and the top dogs will clear out their bank accounts and move on to the next scam. One look at their "leading edge tech" pulled right out of the 1980's is proof enough they will die in the tar pits just like the fellow dinosaurs. Want a state of the art app? Check out or
By David J., over a year old

Dallas, SiteJabber rates it at 16%. It would surely rate lower if there weren't so many fake positive reviews. Folks review Nextdoor either 1 or 5. The fives read like ads about Nextdoor's features and potential. The ones are written by real people and give accounts of how awful their experiences were.
By Chad V., over a year old

Several other reviewers on this site have had the same thing happen to them. We have been fully banned from nextdoor (beyond just "suspension"), but they keep our profiles, and sometimes our names still appear in the neighbor registry. They refuse to remove us fully, I suppose, in an attempt to misrepresent our endorsement and participation there. It's clearly unethical, but their TOS states that they can do this, as any nd apologist will point out.
By Chad V., over a year old

Here's a tidy answer from corporate... Hi Colleen, Thanks for getting back to me. Our Community Guidelines prohibit posting about Lead activity on the main newsfeed. If your Leads are inactivate and youre concerned about moderation in your neighborhood, you should reach out directly to Nextdoor Support. If you have any specific concerns I can help you with at this time, please let me know. Best, Amanda Nextdoor However, the minute you alert corporate to issues with leads in your community you'll find your account terminated. They are very protective of the information surrounding who really is controlling the activities on the boards. Most people in my community are under the misguided impression that corporate is in control. They don't even consider it is their neighbor who sits in judgement.
By colleen x., over a year old

Nextdoor wants your full legal name, house number and address and your email address that they link all together. As an added bonus... They have a little map that you can click on. That way if, OMG, you offend someone the little map leads them straight to your house. Run, do not walk, away from this site. No good comes from Nextdoor.
By PA t., over a year old

Your name and address will be known to everyone who uses the NextDoor application and website. I don't suggest using it. I recently discovered that low income apartments in ghetto areas might be able to use the application to do crime. Car theft, asaaults, kidnapping and just about everything else under the sun.
By leo b., over a year old

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