We have a lead in our neighborhood who is censoring the site without the consent of our neighborhood. How can we change leads?
Asked by Nancy K. on 6/18/2015
18 Answers
Nikoleta M.6/19/2015
Forget about nextdoor and leads. Get a life, a real one. Don't waste your time with toxic online communities that tend to get the worst out of people.
My advise is run away while you still have some dignity left.
My advise is run away while you still have some dignity left.
BILL R.6/19/2015
It's tough fighting a lead on a power trip. And Nextdoor corporate doesn't seem to be interested about customer satisfaction. At the time I was on Nextdoor, many participants recommended different topic categories such as politics... never happened. Either the lead didn't know how to create another category or simply didn't care and preferred to be the "executioner." I think it was the latter.
Randy J.6/18/2015
Hi Nancy,
I'll try to explain how, as a Lead how I am monitored or controlled. All Leads are controlled by Nextdoor Support and any complaint about a Lead must be sent to them (Use the Help function, go to the bottom of the screen and select email help for the quickest response)
With that said, in most Nextdoor Neighborhoods, a single person or small group started the neighborhood and built the membership. There was never an "election or selection process" for appointing new Leads. The first lead selects the next and all Leads are required to maintain the Nextdoor Terms and Conditions. Only in some very limited situations does ND Support ever appoint Leads.
Leads may only be removed by Nextdoor Support, upon a violation of policies or like abandonment.
So, Your Leads will tend to control the Neighborhood as they feel is best.
Not all ND Members agree on "what is best", and it often leads to difficulties, but if the Lead is following ND Policies and Procedures, the best approach is to make sure that YOU understand the intent of Nextdoor Yourself and if You believe the Lead is not correctly enforcing the ND policies, then notify Support as noted above.
However, if the policies are being maintained properly but YOU want more latitude in what You want to say, Try the Public or Private Groups function.
Create Your Own Group, (public or private) and invite other Members to join You. Talk about what You want, even what Your Lead is doing or not doing, to see if others agree with Your point of view. If You have half of Your Members, in the group saying the Lead is not doing the job as You might like, then contact support and indicate the issues to see if they can assist.
Make sure to give Support exact items that were removed, not guesses or just claims.
Keep copies of posts You make. I do it like this sometimes. I make a post then do a copy and paste to an email and send it to myself. If my LEGAL post is removed by the Lead, simply copy that post to Nextdoor Support.
Nextdoor Support seems to ignore open complaints like (My Lead is removing my posts) without a real example.
Every Neighborhood can also set local guidelines as well and may enforce them, as long as they remain within the Nextdoor Policies.
In Our Neighborhood, we opened a public group called "All Discussion", where any Member can post topics that do not appear in the Main News Feed and are not monitored as closely for improper or illegal topics.
We do not allow any form of Commercial, Religious, Political type posts on the Main News Feed (that is Your "all neighbors" - General). However if Members was to discuss those topics in one of the Groups, that is fine.
Our Main News Feed is reserved for the categories (except General) and notifications only. We do not allow "Open Discussion" in the "All Neighbors" General or other Categories.
If I did not hit Your exact concerns, please reply with more specifics and I will try to help more.
Good Luck
I'll try to explain how, as a Lead how I am monitored or controlled. All Leads are controlled by Nextdoor Support and any complaint about a Lead must be sent to them (Use the Help function, go to the bottom of the screen and select email help for the quickest response)
With that said, in most Nextdoor Neighborhoods, a single person or small group started the neighborhood and built the membership. There was never an "election or selection process" for appointing new Leads. The first lead selects the next and all Leads are required to maintain the Nextdoor Terms and Conditions. Only in some very limited situations does ND Support ever appoint Leads.
Leads may only be removed by Nextdoor Support, upon a violation of policies or like abandonment.
So, Your Leads will tend to control the Neighborhood as they feel is best.
Not all ND Members agree on "what is best", and it often leads to difficulties, but if the Lead is following ND Policies and Procedures, the best approach is to make sure that YOU understand the intent of Nextdoor Yourself and if You believe the Lead is not correctly enforcing the ND policies, then notify Support as noted above.
However, if the policies are being maintained properly but YOU want more latitude in what You want to say, Try the Public or Private Groups function.
Create Your Own Group, (public or private) and invite other Members to join You. Talk about what You want, even what Your Lead is doing or not doing, to see if others agree with Your point of view. If You have half of Your Members, in the group saying the Lead is not doing the job as You might like, then contact support and indicate the issues to see if they can assist.
Make sure to give Support exact items that were removed, not guesses or just claims.
Keep copies of posts You make. I do it like this sometimes. I make a post then do a copy and paste to an email and send it to myself. If my LEGAL post is removed by the Lead, simply copy that post to Nextdoor Support.
Nextdoor Support seems to ignore open complaints like (My Lead is removing my posts) without a real example.
Every Neighborhood can also set local guidelines as well and may enforce them, as long as they remain within the Nextdoor Policies.
In Our Neighborhood, we opened a public group called "All Discussion", where any Member can post topics that do not appear in the Main News Feed and are not monitored as closely for improper or illegal topics.
We do not allow any form of Commercial, Religious, Political type posts on the Main News Feed (that is Your "all neighbors" - General). However if Members was to discuss those topics in one of the Groups, that is fine.
Our Main News Feed is reserved for the categories (except General) and notifications only. We do not allow "Open Discussion" in the "All Neighbors" General or other Categories.
If I did not hit Your exact concerns, please reply with more specifics and I will try to help more.
Good Luck
Jim M.6/18/2015
I got hold of Corporate Nextdoor about the Lead that never knew he was lead until I went to his home to tell him as he started it in this neighborhood. He was slandering me, however Tyler in Corporate turned it around on me--so I give you no hope on this one.
Jim M.
Jim M.
Stephen N.6/18/2015
The leads have a ridiculous amount of power to censor that in the wrong person is a nightmare. Our lead was a former politician who used it to censor speech and punish his enemies. Only after much abuse was he asked to curtail his censorship BUT STILL IS RETAINED as the LEAD. It is an absurd proposition. I agree with moderation for civility but censoring for political views is ridiculous. The kind of speech that was censored was local issues and therefore a relevant topic for a local board. The management at NextDoor doesn't care about the communities they serve. It is just a get rich quick scheme. They will sell to Facebook soon.
W D.7/17/2018
The site is ridiculous, and a few of the leads go on a power trip, seeking approval from their friends, and censoring anyone they may harbor ill feelings against. For example, I made the mistake of opposing a specific individual's position on a topic who felt very strongly about their stance. In turn, the individual began calling me out on any thread I expressed any thought on, making outlandish claims that I am biased against anyone of anyone having a differing view than myself and somehow stretching this to equate to be some type of a personal attack that may have a different opinion. Weird, I know. However, it gets worse. I would post announcements regarding local activity social events, etc., and the person began filling my private messages with nasty, rude, hateful messages. I reported her. Apparently, a lead had put a stop to it... for a few weeks. Suddenly, it began again only this time she also started texting my phone as well. I reported her to the leads again, detailing what is going on. In response, I received a message from one of the leads, the person's neighbor, who informed me the harasser was claiming I was the one doing the harassing. I have screenshots of the messages sent to me, proving I never initiated or engaged in the communication. The lead responded that it is my fault for failing to get along with the person harassing me. Seriously? Is this the type of website Nextdoor has allowed itself to be? There should be a much better quality website that has safeguards in place to protect its subscribers against this type of behavior.
Kaki C.6/19/2015
It's all ridiculous. People hide behind a computer and feel they maintain power and entitlement; their real life is petty and inadequate. Start a group and make your own content. Better yet, find or start a meet-up.com group
Kevin L.6/18/2015
If you can't talk this maverick Lead into changing practices or quitting, then you'll have to gang together and convince Nextdoor to do something nasty. That's really about it. The problem for you is whether this Lead serves Nextdoor's purposes or not. Their reaction will either be to severely scold you for not accepting this Lead's "best intentions", or they will cheerfully work with you behind closed doors to decide who the new Leads will be. And then summarily axe the Lead you don't like. Whether this Lead is carefully following the Guidelines or not is irrelevant to them. Nextdoor is looking to be your neighborhood's dominant social network, and they'll betray the Leads if they've come to Nextdoor to form an alternate forum.
colleen x.6/12/2018
I was having an issue with my Nextdoor's ham handed policy on whole cloth erasure of entire threads. To completely delete entire threads when one or two posts might have been strongly worded is absurd. The Leads in my community want to clean up the boards and present a false perception that we live with the Beaver.
In my attempt to stop this practice of censorship, I was terminated. And here's the reason I got from corporate.
"Im reaching out today because your neighbors have notified us that youve posted messages to the main newsfeed discussing your Leads actions.
I understand that you may feel frustrated and compelled to open this up to discussion with your neighbors, especially if you feel as though your contributions arent being honored by your Lead.
That being said, to ensure your neighbors have a positive and helpful experience on Nextdoor, the newsfeed should only be used to discuss general topics of local interest, rather than specific personal disagreements. As a result, weve set some Guidelines regarding how disagreements with Leads should be resolved.
In a nutshell, please do not post about why your post was reported or removed in the main newsfeed. Instead, you should:
Contact the Leads in your neighborhood for clarification.
If you are not able to resolve the issue with the help of your Lead, then contact Nextdoor Support.
You may wish to create a Nextdoor Policies Group to discuss community moderation with your neighbors.
Ive gone ahead and removed the reported content.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
My response...
"sorry Amanda, never happened... "Im reaching out today because your neighbors have notified us that youve posted messages to the main newsfeed discussing your Leads actions."
I simply pointed out how inactive the leads to my community have been, via their lack of posting activity. This is information Nextdoor provides to ALL who bother to look. I posted nothing more personal than that. No names were mentioned, simply how inactive they have been and questioned if they were the best representatives for the community. And for this you eliminate an ENITRE thread that was discussing Nextdoor's practices of censorship? If this is information you don't want available, you should not readily provide it to the community. I violated NOBODY's rights to privacy."
Corporate is terrified for users to realize who it is that is censoring their public posts. Corporate wants to keep us all ignorant regarding who is really sitting in judgement of you. People in my community kept brushing off my concerns repeatedly stating that "THEY" decide how "THEY" want their website structured. "THEY" this and "THEY" that. I pointed out that the corporate office in San Francisco could give a rat's ass about some small town in Kentucky. I was summarily yanked before I could get people to realize just who was pulling the strings. The Leads reported me the minute I questioned their roles.
In my attempt to stop this practice of censorship, I was terminated. And here's the reason I got from corporate.
"Im reaching out today because your neighbors have notified us that youve posted messages to the main newsfeed discussing your Leads actions.
I understand that you may feel frustrated and compelled to open this up to discussion with your neighbors, especially if you feel as though your contributions arent being honored by your Lead.
That being said, to ensure your neighbors have a positive and helpful experience on Nextdoor, the newsfeed should only be used to discuss general topics of local interest, rather than specific personal disagreements. As a result, weve set some Guidelines regarding how disagreements with Leads should be resolved.
In a nutshell, please do not post about why your post was reported or removed in the main newsfeed. Instead, you should:
Contact the Leads in your neighborhood for clarification.
If you are not able to resolve the issue with the help of your Lead, then contact Nextdoor Support.
You may wish to create a Nextdoor Policies Group to discuss community moderation with your neighbors.
Ive gone ahead and removed the reported content.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
My response...
"sorry Amanda, never happened... "Im reaching out today because your neighbors have notified us that youve posted messages to the main newsfeed discussing your Leads actions."
I simply pointed out how inactive the leads to my community have been, via their lack of posting activity. This is information Nextdoor provides to ALL who bother to look. I posted nothing more personal than that. No names were mentioned, simply how inactive they have been and questioned if they were the best representatives for the community. And for this you eliminate an ENITRE thread that was discussing Nextdoor's practices of censorship? If this is information you don't want available, you should not readily provide it to the community. I violated NOBODY's rights to privacy."
Corporate is terrified for users to realize who it is that is censoring their public posts. Corporate wants to keep us all ignorant regarding who is really sitting in judgement of you. People in my community kept brushing off my concerns repeatedly stating that "THEY" decide how "THEY" want their website structured. "THEY" this and "THEY" that. I pointed out that the corporate office in San Francisco could give a rat's ass about some small town in Kentucky. I was summarily yanked before I could get people to realize just who was pulling the strings. The Leads reported me the minute I questioned their roles.
David J.7/28/2015
LET'S HAVE FACTS HERE! Nextdoor’s SF staff tend to be two-faced. Me and all my co-leads were "fired" by San Franciso's Strause for posting too many breaking crime incidents in Sacramento.
The founding Lead never lived in our neighborhood and asked to be the Lead where she does live and serves on the board of her Neighborhood Assoc. For 2 1/2 years Nextdoor REFUSED so she had to do it herself by changing addresses. By the way, she had invited over 1,300 neighbors to ND.
Last word from Gordon Strause to me before I've been TOTALLY BLOCKED but I refuse to deactivate my account. I still get emails but cannot reply to tem or private messages from crime victims or officers.
“We are likely going to change the role of Lead in the future so that it’s not one size fits all. Instead, we are likely to evolve to a more distributed system where different Leads will have responsibility for different aspects of Nextdoor. When that happens, we are likely to create a Lead role specifically focused on mobilizing neighbors crime prevention.
When that happens, you will be the obvious choice for that role. In fact, given your passion for this issue, I suspect you would actually prefer a role that would allow you to focus on that subject without having to worry about the other aspects of being a Lead today.”
I have been director of the longest operating Community Watch Patrols in Sacramento. http://crimewatch.us has been serving my neighbors and police officers for 21 years. Perhaps polling our 4,500 members about our sex offender corrupt mayor played a role in all this. ND is now blocking ALL messages from the very police officers and their command I work with on the streets 3 to 4 nights a week from 10pm to 3am.
ND is not off the hook by a long shot. We’re not Borg – We’re not a collective – Resistance is NOT Futile.
The founding Lead never lived in our neighborhood and asked to be the Lead where she does live and serves on the board of her Neighborhood Assoc. For 2 1/2 years Nextdoor REFUSED so she had to do it herself by changing addresses. By the way, she had invited over 1,300 neighbors to ND.
Last word from Gordon Strause to me before I've been TOTALLY BLOCKED but I refuse to deactivate my account. I still get emails but cannot reply to tem or private messages from crime victims or officers.
“We are likely going to change the role of Lead in the future so that it’s not one size fits all. Instead, we are likely to evolve to a more distributed system where different Leads will have responsibility for different aspects of Nextdoor. When that happens, we are likely to create a Lead role specifically focused on mobilizing neighbors crime prevention.
When that happens, you will be the obvious choice for that role. In fact, given your passion for this issue, I suspect you would actually prefer a role that would allow you to focus on that subject without having to worry about the other aspects of being a Lead today.”
I have been director of the longest operating Community Watch Patrols in Sacramento. http://crimewatch.us has been serving my neighbors and police officers for 21 years. Perhaps polling our 4,500 members about our sex offender corrupt mayor played a role in all this. ND is now blocking ALL messages from the very police officers and their command I work with on the streets 3 to 4 nights a week from 10pm to 3am.
ND is not off the hook by a long shot. We’re not Borg – We’re not a collective – Resistance is NOT Futile.
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