Questions & Answers

"Alex S." and "Mack E.", nexogy has been in the telecommunication business for more than 10 years providing services to more than 30,000 customers nationwide. I can assure you we are definitely not liars and that our customers receive good quality telecommunication services. Maybe your experiences with our services were not good, after all we provide cutting edge technology services sometimes difficult to understand. We strive to provide excellent Customer Service and can provide you with thousands of good reviews. Actually, 85% of our new customers were referred by others. Regarding the agreement for Advanced Phone Systems for companies, they can be signed for terms of 1,2 or 3 years, it is the customer's decision. We stand behind the quality of the services we provide. Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to review your specific case further. Best regards, Felipe Lahrssen, Chief Operating Officer.

Asked by Felipe L. on 2/22/2010

2 Answers
Mack E.1/28/2010

I agree with the previous poster. Their technical support is completely incompetent. You have to speak in their language and even then they don't understand what the problem is. It's a complete joke.
Kat C.12/8/2015

5 yrs later Mack and nothing has changed! It's hard to get honest reviews to help make your decision on which company you want to choose when their own ppl are falsifying reviews by giving THEMSELVES 5 stars! Who does that lol And sadly, being part hispanic myself, I am too familiar with their tone; they are very stubborn, argumentative, condescending, and pompous... I mean, just read Felipe's response! Total ignorance!

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