Questions & Answers

I thought I was signing on for one month. And Match charged me for the year. How can I get my money back? I have previously ask this question and did not receive a response..

Asked by Lee N. on 10/1/2015

9 Answers
tom j.10/1/2015

If you were charged in one lump sum, you can't. If they are auto billing you every month, shut it off. If they took one lump sum, the best you can do is file a formal complaint with the BBB and any federal fraud protection agency you can dig up. Why would they refund you? They don't give a shit. To even get a response, you will have to have a local attorney draft a letter threatening to bring civil action (that will cost more than the year they billed you for). If you wanted to make a point, hire the attorney to file the civil suit. The suit would have to be for considerably more than they extorted. To win that is next to impossible because the court will require you justify the additional damages for which you are suing, They will, by law, have to respond. At which point they will issue a refund (a couple hundred dollars), the court will consider it satisfied, and the attorney will bill you a couple of grand for their effort. Point is, you're screwed! These internet companies know that the expense you would incur trying to fight them (especially across state lines) far, far exceeds what they ripped from you. It's essentially legal theft. Sorry about your luck... You got had! I've been there in other areas myself.
Nicole M.10/1/2015

You likely signed up for auto-renewal, which doesn't explicitly tell you out-right that it will auto-renew. You will not likely get a refund back for the month they charged you. However, go to your account's settings and cancel the feature ASAP. You will still have access for the month in question, but at least you will have stopped future withdrawals.
Tony M.10/1/2015

I'm sorry, but you can't get your money back because has a no refund policy.
Gretchen G.10/1/2015

Call your credit card company and explain that at the time that you signed, there was no tel# in the website available to asks questions. That you were only given the option to pay between $22 to $30 a month. Good luck!
david p.10/2/2015

Unfortunately Lee, barring a miracle, you have done your dough. These companies are specifically set up to steal money off the unsuspecting. In the world there will ALWAYS be a % of thieves looking for ANY opportunity to steal your money and this is a perfect one. The electronic world we are now in is the new frontier. They are also well aware that they can hide across a border or even in another country and be TOTALLY immune from justice. You would not go to bed each night and leave your wallet full of money on your front fence but that is what you do when you get involved with these unscrupulous companies. You not only go to bed but you have called them up and told them you have left your cash out and are asleep! I tell everyone who cares to listen to me that BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANY GOODS OR SERVICE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ELECTRONIC WORLD WE NOW LIVE IN AND LOOK ON THE INTERNET FOR ANY NEGATIVE REVIEWS ABOUT THE PARTICULAR PRODUCT YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING PURCHASING AND IF THERE IS EVEN ONE, THEN AVOID IT. Try to ALWAYS purchase through someone like Paypal. I know you cannot purchase a dating service through them but at the VERY LEAST, read the fine print to see whether they are going to gouge your account whenever they feel like it ( and they WILL feel like it a lot!) In a perfect world, if it was somehow mandatory for everyone to have to read reviews about these companies before committing their credit card details to a TOTAL STRANGER these thieves would be out of business overnight!
Belinda B.10/3/2015

Your bank will have a form to fill in to dispute the transaction. This is then sent to their bank to be resolved. Can't promise anything, but at least you'll get some response
bryan g.10/3/2015

Yes, this group is very crooked. If you complained and asked for a refund, you should get it. It is not their money, it is yours. They deliver nothing, but they make it so we get tricked into signing with them and then they laugh all the way to the bank. It's like they tripped you and then said it was your stupid fault for falling over their foot. They are crooks, and the service stinks, and I'm sorry that there are such people in the world as the parasites. May God deal with them according to their dealings with his people.
Lisa G.10/2/2015

Not one person was interested until about 2 weeks before my subscription was up. Needless to say, I cancelled it after reading all the negative things online. Amazing how I can't even get "hit on" from no one! What a joke!
Sharzi P.10/1/2015

If you paid with a credit card the card company can put in a dispute and they will often be able to recoop your money, If not, contact your local Attorney General... that's what they do. They will fight to get your money returned.

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