I am very disappointed with having joined a week ago. The matches are not in line with what I have requested on my profile. I have received very little responses from what appears as active prospects. I would like to cancel my membership. I was a member back in 2004 and found it very successful and nothing to compare with my experience this time. I would like my questions answered… Thank you for your time. Terri179
Asked by Terri M. on 5/4/2015
17 Answers
mark k.5/6/2015
You will have a hard time getting your money back Terri. The first time I was with them years ago, I forgot the auto renewal and tried to get my money back and they fought me tooth and nail. This time I tried both Ourtime and Match and both experiences were not good though Ourtime was a bit better. I agree with some of the answers here that Match baits you toward the end of your subscription with possible contacts, but since I cannot proof that I have to add that disclaimer. Everything you have run into with your experience I have had with mine.
Jennifer D.8/28/2015
No, it's not trustworthy. Don't waste your money! I wish I read these reviews before I paid for a year's membership.
Sharzi P.7/26/2015
Personally, I think they match you by distance and age... nothing more. The site should be called "Trickery" instead of Match.
firstname l.6/17/2015
It is because there are not any real people on match.com. Most of the profiles are fakes, or they are people who may have once been on the site and now their profiles are used as bait to get you to sign up and pay, thinking there are actual matches that could be made. Also a lot of the profiles are people who have not actually signed up and paid so they could not even get back to you if they wanted (unless they too pay for the privilege of sending an email reply). Do not sign up! This is an unethical site that does a bait and switch to get money out of you and others and does not deliver on any promises (and will not refund your money either). Most of the profiles are cons trying to get something from you. This site should be shut down! Go to the BBB and register a complaint against the company, if more people do this than perhaps they will change their ways of doing business.
Marsha S.6/1/2015
Mark, I have been a match member off and on even when it was Love@AOL and completely free. I have not been a member for years until this time around and am very surprised at how the site has changed to gouge the paid members. Additionally the singles mixer sponsored by Match was a gouge. Over priced and should have been canceled due to poor participation. Truly not a fan of the site anymore. When my subscription is up I am done.
Desiree S.5/5/2015
A really dismal site that doesn't deliver what it promises. Everything about it, including it''s staff suck. It's disgraceful that they are allowed to get away with charging people for promises they don't deliver.
Tracy B.5/5/2015
Satisfaction is not guaranteed and it is very difficult to communicate with anyone let alone get your money back
Sally w.5/5/2015
Terry, you won't get your money back. Be careful about making sure your automatic renewal is turned off when your membership is reaching its expiration date. My membership was up recently. I canceled the auto renewal. I still got charged. Once you join, they make it almost impossible to get off.
tanya n.5/5/2015
It charged me 100.00 and I never subscribed... I started to but once I saw it charged u one big fee instead of monthly I changed my mind... so I never hit subscribe button. But it still charged me... I called them right away but they refused to give me money back... the site is a joke I don't even uses it... they just stole my money
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