This is causing a lot of people to sign a 'contract' that they clearly do not want to do. Why payment if it's honest free trial product?
Asked by Tiger M. on 3/11/2020
1 Answer
Eva K.3/16/2020
Tiger M,
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. My name is Steve, Director of Client Services, for the Healthy Back Institute (HBI) and to be clear we can not find your name or any record of your account with us. We are assuming that is not your real name.
Let me say this, about how the HBI takes and processes orders. In the United States, when free trial offers are presented to customers there are very specific (rules) we must follow in order to process any free trial offers.
First, the terms of the promotional offer must be presented at the point of sale in a clear and conspicuous way, that we do!
Second, the Customer MUST click on a box, (next to the terms) and once they click (the box) that presents a visible check mark next to the terms, indicating that you have read and agreed to the terms of the offer. The order can not be completed without them checking that box giving us permission to charge their card, and that everyone does who gets a bottle.
Third, We must present, in a clear and conspicuous way for anyone to cancel the order as well as all of our contact information, and that we do.
The HBI stands behind our products and business practices, we have been in business for 18 years and while we are not perfect we work very hard to do things right.
The only charge we make at the time of the order is for Shipping, a customer is never charged for the Free Bottle.
Thank you for being a valued customer as your satisfaction is important to us, if you have any customer service needs with us please use this link!
Thank You,
Steve, Director of Client Services
The Healthy Back Institute
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. My name is Steve, Director of Client Services, for the Healthy Back Institute (HBI) and to be clear we can not find your name or any record of your account with us. We are assuming that is not your real name.
Let me say this, about how the HBI takes and processes orders. In the United States, when free trial offers are presented to customers there are very specific (rules) we must follow in order to process any free trial offers.
First, the terms of the promotional offer must be presented at the point of sale in a clear and conspicuous way, that we do!
Second, the Customer MUST click on a box, (next to the terms) and once they click (the box) that presents a visible check mark next to the terms, indicating that you have read and agreed to the terms of the offer. The order can not be completed without them checking that box giving us permission to charge their card, and that everyone does who gets a bottle.
Third, We must present, in a clear and conspicuous way for anyone to cancel the order as well as all of our contact information, and that we do.
The HBI stands behind our products and business practices, we have been in business for 18 years and while we are not perfect we work very hard to do things right.
The only charge we make at the time of the order is for Shipping, a customer is never charged for the Free Bottle.
Thank you for being a valued customer as your satisfaction is important to us, if you have any customer service needs with us please use this link!
Thank You,
Steve, Director of Client Services
The Healthy Back Institute
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