Questions & Answers

How easy is it to cancel if you do not like the food. I am scared of trying cause they might make me pay forever.

Asked by Margaret V. on 4/20/2015

3 Answers
Rowena S.7/29/2015

Don't touch this company with a barge pole - it is nothing more than a con - high cost, paltry amount of food, deliberately misleading marketing and non existent customer service. No refunds even when due and deliberately difficult to cancel if you are trying to do so - in short a ghastly experience from start to finish!
steve s.7/23/2015

I signed up and realised its a scam - your first order is only able to be placed 2 weeks away, meaning they get your money even if you use a coupon... and from other reviews they won't let you cancel. I just registered a voucher, saw the dates and tried to cancel... and can't - there is no "cancel" on their website
Keith W.10/25/2022

Received my "free" first order. In which Hello Fresh, made 2 charges. The total of charges were around 100 dollars. I was told that there were up-charges because I made changes. When I place my order on the website. There was a $17.87 upcharge in which I was happy to pay. But, did not receive the described product. I canceled my account well within the time frame stated on the website, and after receiving something other than what was advertised/ordered.

After talking with the customer service to resolve the discrepancy. I was informed that there were no supervisors. Then told that they were all in a meeting. All 10 of them. When asked if any refunds were ever made. I was not surprised by the answer.

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