Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from HelloFresh staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
I signed up and realised its a scam - your first order is only able to be placed 2 weeks away, meaning they get your money even if you use a coupon... and from other reviews they won't let you cancel. I just registered a voucher, saw the dates and tried to cancel... and can't - there is no "cancel" on their website
By steve s., over a year old
What is salt content?
You will still have to pay for delivery and such because this company says those things cannot be covered by a gift card. Beware signing up, because they will subscribe you as soon as you enter credit card information. It is in their Terms and Conditions at the beginning of the process.
By Lisa F., over a year old
You're automatically on auto ship…any week you don't overtly cancel will get sent out and you'll get charged.
By Amy J., over a year old
Nor really. They will want to give you a partial refund of the single ingredient you found to be of poor quality... and that's if you want to take the time to navigate the website to find out how to do it. Their website is totally designed to make customer service difficult.
By dan s., over a year old
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Typical questions asked
How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?