Questions & Answers

Need a contact number i place an order but had a email saying my adress is not complete but when i checked my order it is correct?

Asked by Maggie T. on 6/26/2015

8 Answers
Betsy M.6/26/2015

I suggest you cancel your order and immediately (like right now) apply for a refund from PayPal or your credit card company. This is another way this scam of a company tries to hang on to your money without sending any of their junk jewelry to you.
Shirley S.6/26/2015

No phone number listed anywhere. Cancel your order if you can. This place is a scam.
Debbie F.6/26/2015

Cancel your order immediately. There is no phone number listed. How can a legitimate business NOT have a phone number?
John H.6/27/2015

No contact except e-mail... GOOD LUCK in getting someone to respond and IF they do, you will get a run around stall...
Sara E.6/26/2015

I agree Betsy M... cancel your order immediately and put a stop on your paypal payment to them. This is not a reputable company and, if you read the comments, you will understand what I'm saying... Good luck!
Elizabeth T.6/26/2015

File a complaint with your credit card company or PayPal. Don't waste anymore time trying to deal with FS as they are NOT a reputable company. If you love the product, go to the Dollar Store!
Kim S.6/26/2015

Cancel - asap! Before the 30-day period to file a complaint with Paypal expires!
rena g.6/26/2015

I could only email till i got an answer they returned my money and i wont deal with them again

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