Questions & Answers

I lost my Fandango card. How can I get it replaced? I am a disabled Vet and cannot drive... Thank you for your help...

Asked by James P. on 10/23/2015

4 Answers
Rose L.10/23/2015

I would try emailing them, unfortunately there is no one to call as far as I know.
If that doesn't work why don't you try calling a theater near you that takes fandango, ask for a manager.
Fandangos customer service is not good so I wish you luck.
Thank you for your service, hope this helps
Helen G.10/23/2015

I came down with an illness two days before my show. I requested a refund.
Never heard a word from Fandango, and they charged my credit card. It is a scam.
Helen Gruenhut
Ericent P.11/26/2015

Helen G. You may not understand what happened, so reach out to them. James P. If you lost your gift card and have the order details, they may be able to help you find it. Once you verify that you are the orderer or orderee then they will divulge the information to you.
Jason B.10/24/2015

Go on their website there is a number you can call.

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