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It's amazing to see all the negative reviews... I can't believe they are still continuing this fraudulent business. Has none of the reviewers here sued them yet?!

Asked by Quirinus M. on 10/24/2015

5 Answers
Sharon b.10/25/2015

Not not a clue but they refunded me all the money back they took out my back so alls good
Edgar W.10/25/2015

Sorry, Quirinus. I finally re-subscribed just so I and my grandson could get access to the two libraries we already had.
When you get customer support you don't get someone for whom English is a first language. In addition the Indian who answers will have an attitude problem and that doesn't help. I even had them tell me that I would have to get my grandson to log in to his library. I'm the one who paid for his books and even set the password so obviously they don't know what they're talking about and are making it up as they go along.
John A. Is right. Amazon's got big and bloated and has deep enough pockets now to virtually ignore any attempt for we the people to do anything to remedy the situation.
They've removed Audible as a competitor now so they don't give a damn.
My advice is, if you haven't committed any significant amount and don't have many books already, DUMP AUDIBLE AND AMAZON AS WELL.
I know there are folks who just LOVE Amazon, but what should be done is boycott Amazon. As long as they're making enough money to keep swallowing and growing they're going to keep ignoring us.
Unfortunately my grandson misses his books and has a considerable number in his library. I do as well.
Money talks and is conspicuous in its absence.
Pat K.10/26/2015

No, I didn't try suing. TMT. But I couldn't get a refund either. Oh, it's an Amazon company, go figure!
dan s.10/25/2015

Don; t know about legal action. However you would think that Amazon of which Audible is a subsidary would try to clean up their act. My experience was that any financial information you gave to Amazon could be used by Audible to bill your credit card.
John A.10/25/2015

I'm not sure that anything they do is actionable - just unethical and bad business. But they've got Amazon behind them - so it would have to be a pretty major class action suit to have any impact.

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