I got Whisper sync on a book from Amazon. Does that mean I signed up for Audible? Am I going to be charged a monthly fee?
Asked by Debbie P. on 10/8/2015
10 Answers
Arielle k.10/8/2015
I don't know but call, I didn't think i signed up for them but paid for 10 months before I caught it on my bank statement.
Sandy S.11/11/2015
You know you people who instead of actually trying to help someone who's asking a question and actually wants an answer to their questions, you instead repeat the same thing you have already said multiple times in other places and if you actually read more reviews then just the bad ones before you posted you would see that several people that had the same problem as you actually were helped by audible and then posted the way you and others could do it alot easier and get helped quicker because they were smart enough to actually pay attention to what the information that is provided to start with and if a problem occured the info that tells you how to handle it quick and easy, but instead you say that you hate having to cancel over the phone cuz they don't speak English but if you had actually read some of the positive reviews or even the responses from audible themselves in response to the negative posts towards audible on this site in fact some of those such responses are to some of you naysayers yourselves, you would have found that if you can email audible at the email that audible leaves in those responses to recieve quick and easy help and refunds to charges that have occurred after cancelations or charges that never should of happened without the hassle of having to call again maybe you do have to call to actually cancel the free trial quick enough to be charged but if you weren't smart enough to start canceling well before the end of the free TRIAL that the offer clearly says (what is definitely never said in the offer is, not this ridiculous idea that so many of you people that are ranting about, that you didn't know that you actually accepted the trial offer because after you looked at the collection of books or the app interface or whatever made you decide that it wasn't for you before you actually purchased and downloaded any books or even if you didn't even decide to download the free books that made you try this trial for audible in the first place and they charged you after the 30 days or 3 months, whichever offer you tried, without telling you that your time was up and you get all mad at them. Well I have news for you you signed op for a free trial it doesn't matter that you didn't actually use your perk from that time, you still started it and after the TRIAL period ends they have every right to charge you for the subscription fee if you were dumb enough to not cancel the trial as soon as you decided you didn't like it then that's your fault. You have no right calling the offer a scam cuz your a numbskull you should have paid attention and even with that absolute fact that it was your mistake audible still refunded part of the amount that you had been charged cuz they ft bad for your inate stupidness that led you to believe you shouldn't have been charged without being told that you were going to be( in point of fact every subscription charges without emailing you before they do, they only inform you if you only subscribed to a set amount of time and that time was about to end then they would notify you that charges would cease but in this instance you signed up to a TRIAL that after the free period it will charge you monthly until u can't afford to pay or you cancel) so therefore stop calling audible a scam. As for the people who never even looked at audible at all then you have been unfairly charged but from the reviews from people that I figured out actually had been screwed all of them had notified audible and had been refunded and apologised to and the people who complained in reviews all had posts replid to their review by audible's support staff that they were sorry and if they would email them, not call like all of you who are still complaining that you were screwed and no help came, they would make it right for you if you would just email them. Instead though you keep posting audible's a scam. I had almost decided not to sign up and believe that it was a scam but I decided to read more of the bad reviews and noticed that the reason most of you people were saying it was a scam was wrong and then I read several good reviews that pointed to the same stuff I have just pointed out to you and that even though this isnt Amazon or Audible's website, Audible's support staff still came to this sight and read every review and posted replies to anyone who had actually been wronged to email them and it would be rectified and that they apologized for any inconvenience or problem that had wrongly befallen you, so unlike you people I believe that Audible cares a good deal about losing good and loyal customers for them to comb all reviews from a sitebashing website and I'm sure this isn't the only site that they have scoured through either so quit ranting and raving and actually pay attention when people try to help you. I hope what I've said here might be able to keep someone else just like me from accepting the reviews that say Audible is a scam and no good.
Social S.10/9/2015
Hi Debbie. Whispersync purchases usually do not enroll you into a membership. We can check your account to make sure. Email us at social-support@audible.com.
Edgar W.10/9/2015
Kill that card and get a new number. Quit Amazon completely. Do not have anything to do with Audible. Calling the customer support for Audible will get you some arrogant, nasty tempered Indian in a call center there.
None of this is paranoid delusion. Audible's service has turned to crap starting with its obsolete software to the customer service that used to be managed with someone whose first language is ENGLISH.
Amazon's just an engine of economic consumption. They don't give a damn about anything but M & A.
None of this is paranoid delusion. Audible's service has turned to crap starting with its obsolete software to the customer service that used to be managed with someone whose first language is ENGLISH.
Amazon's just an engine of economic consumption. They don't give a damn about anything but M & A.
Sarah M.10/8/2015
If Amazon has your credit card details then Audible has them too and it's entirely possible that you may be charged Audible's monthly fees. You will have to be vigilant about checking your cc payments and good luck trying to get your money back. It appears that nothing has improved since I had to cancel my Audible membership over 6 months ago. I cancelled and replaced my credit card and have not used either company since. Neither company care whether they lose a customer and member so lower your expectations and keep a close eye on your bank statements.
Eddy B.10/8/2015
Hi Arielle,
As far as I know, Whisper Sync has nothing to do with Audible - it's merely Amazon's way of getting purchased books to your Kindle device. Unless you've actually agreed to join Audible you won't be charged - although the process can be quite tricky. However if you're not sure just contact them and they should reverse the transaction as they did with me without any problems.
As far as I know, Whisper Sync has nothing to do with Audible - it's merely Amazon's way of getting purchased books to your Kindle device. Unless you've actually agreed to join Audible you won't be charged - although the process can be quite tricky. However if you're not sure just contact them and they should reverse the transaction as they did with me without any problems.
Shirl G.10/8/2015
According to the Amazon site, once you add Whisper Sync to any book, it's merely a stepping stone to get you to sign p for Audible. It's a way to get people to pay way too much money for books that are most likely & conveniently "unavailable" when you when you request that particular book. Your best bet is to cancel the Whisper Sync & purchase or "borrow" only Kindle Audio books which are becoming more rare as Audible tries to get everyone to "buy into" their product. Audible in itself is a scam developed by TR=Thanks2Net & is his 'pet project" until people like us can stop it. Unfortunately, Amazon will not answer any of my reqyests for additional information regarding why they are allowing their "Prime Members" to be taken advantage of. It really is very easy to look into Thanks2Net and see what his unconventional & selfish business (&personal) practices are. Even though I am not in the best of health, I will continue to be a customer advocate to ensure that good, honest, hard-working people are not being ripped off -- though it may seem like I'm straying from your initial question -- I can assure you that since this person "TR" got involved, Amazon's practices have taken a dramatic down-turn. Hope this helps you & from what others are also saying AUDIBLE IS NOT WORTH the money. My Blessings to you -- Good Luck!
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