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I have been looking for a living room rug for months! I have kids so I wanted to have a carpet which was suitable for my family. I even bought and returned a vintage Persian rug from Etsy that was beautiful but too high-maintenance. I finally got a new Persian Ardabil handmade silk carpet from Yak Carpet. It had a few characteristics which I did not understand. So I sent a mail to them regarding my questions and they solved all my queries in well-mannered way. They even gave me cleaning tips and explained the process of rug-dyeing in detail. My silk rug has ivory color and looks very nice. You will never find handmade carpet in this price range and the delivery service of Yak Carpet is amazing. The experts are right: Always go with a reputable rug dealer and I think Yak Carpet is the one of them.

Date of experience: August 29, 2017