The best gaming community, the best gaming director (Pill Spencer) and the best console.
But sometimes even them can make mistakes. Fortunately they have a good support team that can solve any problem.
A grown man was upset he died in a warzone, so naturally he took it out on me for not getting there fast enough. His buddy with 0 kills was already dead so it had to be my fault he died. Any who good old xbox live suspended me for inappropriate talk in chat to him, after he sent me four messages on how I suck. I know he must have alot of time on his hands. So he complains I cussed and they just suspended my chat and audio chat. WTH
Get better customer over 10yrs no bans ever till this. It's my fault because I should of ignored they said. Victim shaming jerks.
Xbox live is a decent site but i wouldn't buy the gold membership unless you want to play with people online wich i don't. With games being so expensive i strongly recommend that you download free demos from xbox live. These give you a realy good feel as to wether or not you wan't to plug fifty bucks down on a game. Motionsports is a great example of a game not worth the price. Carlzilla 1
Xbox is the bomb, live is the best me and my family play together, with friends who are everywhere it's soooo much fun. If u don't have the system or live. What are you waiting for.
They would never rip you off like would please if you want to download games please do not use its a scam xbox web site is so much better
Xboxlive is a good option and i just buy membership to enjoy my hobby. Its lovely and of high quality, i enjoy a lot while playing games on this site.