X2 All Natural ENERGY

X2 All Natural ENERGY

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X2 Performance All Natural Energy Drink,

Your product X2 Performance All Natural Energy Drink, is by far the best energy drink on the market. For instance, I go out of my way to Subway just to purchase it at least 3 times a week. I absolutely love this product because its the only energy drink on the market that doesnt not have a nasty energy drink taste; instead it tastes like a normal beverage in the market. In addition another reason that I love your product is that its all natural and does not have harmful ingredients; unlike its competitors such as Red Bull and Monster. Lastly, this beverage truly gives you pure energy and keeps me going for the majority of the day.

The only thing I would like to change about your product is being able to purchase it in bulk at Sams Club or another distributor because this would be more convenient than having to constantly go to Subway to purchase your product. Thus, I would love to be able to buy this product in bulk to possibly receive a lower price since I drink it so often.

Date of experience: April 11, 2017