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I love this site for both my health supplements and pet care- my dogs and cat love it too- I get all my holistic natural and healthy pet food delivered to my door (including the awesome kitty litter), all of it discounted for monthly auto delivery and though it is a bit more expensive, I am certain each and everyone of these products is exactly as described, made in America and DOES NOT COME FROM CHINA! I look at doing business with these people as an insurance policy against the health risks of buying similar but tarnished "american" branded products found at pet stores and health food stores-(it only takes just one illness resulting from that unsuspecting purchase of tainted pet food to costs thousands of dollars and you may not save your pet from kidney failure) Wysong is a great company and are literally a handful of hours drive away from me here in Michigan- Try them- you'll be pleased, your animals will be healthy, and Wysong items are those of health security worth paying for!

Date of experience: January 17, 2012