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Wovox promotes the transparent workplace, by which they mean, either you, or your boss, or any member of the public at all who has relevant material, can upload photos, videos or tales of your workplace and staff and have them published for all to see.

This is all theoretically voluntary and anonymous and free, which means you can post images of that staff toilet that hasn't been cleaned for years, but then your boss can post stories of you spending half your day on it, too. According to the site:

"And if this brings out any hurt, be happy! At least now you know where the pain is.
Bad reputation's an opportunity, not a threat. "

If for some reason your boss doesn't see it that way, you can enhance your reputation as a forward-thinker by explaining it to him. What could go wrong?

The makers of the site may well be on to something here, though parts of the site read as if, having glimpsed the potential, they've begun celebrating a bit early. By the time you read the part urging you to send a video or tell a story about how much your cracked coffee cup means to you, you do begin to wonder if they'll still think it's a great idea when they sober up.

It's a pretty cool idea though, Wikileaks for the Dispatch Department featuring hot packing secrets from around the coffee machines, and with the right material and nurture it could rapidly become required reading for bosses' wives everywhere. On the other hand, it leaves open so many possibilities for deliberately misleading, dishonest and downright inflammatory material that it should be easy to discredit more or less anything.

Before rushing to upload, you should check out the conditions of the Creative Commons Share-Alike license 3.0, which applies to all content. Broadly, it means that anyone, including the site owners, has permission to remix and reuse anything you upload, for profit or not. If you're OK with that, then join the others already posting here including the folks at Google, and several other extraordinarily clean, modern and attractive workplaces. Me, I'm waiting for the underground Chinese boot factories, though I'd settle for some shots of the SiteJabber offices. I still don't believe they have more than the one chair. Whose workplace would you want to see and read about?

Date of experience: January 13, 2011