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Paid Weebly 240.00 January 2024 for Website Builder, cancelled September 2024 and according to them hav2 156.00 Credit, BUT THEY WILL NOT CREDIT MY ACCOUNT. So Im paying Weebly for the next 15 months for NOTHING. Total Rip Off, DONT DO BUINSESS WITH THIS UNETHICAL PIECE OF $#*! BUSINESS

Date of experience: September 23, 2024
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Weebly Technical Support Refuses to Help
August 16, 2024

Support was unable to fix my website form submissions. My contact forms were not recording submissions or sending me emails even though it showed my customers that their inquiry was submitted. I lost several leads this way.

3 different forms on my site were broken, showing the customer their form was submitted but not actually recording.

Support tried to fix the issue but when they couldn't they just stated that there was nothing wrong with the site on their end and they would not be trying anything else to fix it.

I had to recreate my entire site on a different hosting platform to get the form submission feature back.

I had been with them for over 10 years. I had several issues with them in the past from billing as well as technical support. I even had to recrate an entire retail site when square purchased Weebly and messed up the inventory integration.

However, after loosing so many customer leads, this was the final issue that convinced me to make the switch.

Date of experience: August 16, 2024
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Was once a low-end decent web site builder. After the Square purchase, I'm assuming - everything started to suck; the support, loading times, slow, basically just terrible all around. Times out when logging in, double login, overpriced.

Date of experience: August 17, 2023
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Worst Company ever
January 26, 2023

They failed to apply our nonprofit and tax exempt status to our accounts, despite it being done 3 times for the same bill along with a letter of confirmation from them. When I disputed the bill because they would NOT provide me a detailed bill or why my bill went up almost double, they shut us down. I was 100% correct to dispute the bill. This is a multimillion dollars lawsuit because not only did my sight get hacked but they shut down all the rest of my sites that had nothing to do with this bill and that were either paid in full or free. Anyone know a good attorney willing to sue them for destroying our 911 Emergency Services and discriminating against the disabled and so on.

Date of experience: January 26, 2023
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I've had one business website ( on Weebly for years, and manage another (, also for years. Both are down, and the email addresses I use for each are also being rejected. After hours on Google trying to get support, piercing the requirements is based on user email -- which are being rejected. In addition, I ran into multiple support page dead ends. The whole experience makes me wonder if Weebly/Square in financial trouble, and trying to take my (prepaid for the year) businesses with them. Before Square, I would have rated Weebly 4 or 5 (out of 5) on support; right now it feels like 0/5.

Date of experience: May 24, 2023
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Even though they know I am the site / account owner and can even see my credit card information to confirm, they won't help reset my passwords. Only way to reset is via an "forgot my password " link and if you don't have access to the associated email account- you literally have to build a new site (per their support.) Unbelievable.

Date of experience: January 15, 2024
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June 4, 2023

They make it next to impossible to cancel your service with them. I had to search through their support service faqs. Even after that, it sent me to their automated chat system. It seems as though Square/Weebly is managed by one person. If this is the case, I refuse to give them my service. Hassle-free process my a$$

Date of experience: June 4, 2023
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Weebly used to work fine for the 10 years I had it before Square took over. I knew it was doomed. Square is ruining it. I am being forced off the platform because of error codes that don't allow me to set up emails, and my website is being removed in 28 days because Square is refusing sign ups. Even though I have a Pro Account and paid for the year. They made sure they took my payment before telling me I am booted off. When Square, the company, started, they were unsecured and had tons of hackers getting into mine and other people's accounts. Since so many hair stylists were using Square, they catapulted it up but the company is still no better than it was with zero customer service. The guy literally responded to my emails 2 months later - 2 months too late - what kind of customer service takes 2 months to respond to hacking into an account? Meanwhile my account was hacked and they were saying I owe tons of money - from other countries - although my sales were in person not online. Because this guy was not addressing my issue, and blew me off, they have a record that I was contacted by him and didn't respond so now banned from Square? Square did not allow you to shut down your square account that contained my bank account number! This company is a joke and has ruined Weebly. Are they going to refund me the amount I paid a designer or the yearly fee I paid? Much less the time it is going to take to transfer everything somewhere else, and work involved. Unlikely.

Date of experience: March 1, 2023
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August 15, 2022

You will either be stuck with them forever or go through a nightmare to move to another system. You WILL lose your verified reviews, which we all know are vital to selling online.

Not only are they terrible for SEO, they hold you hostage, which should be illegal. A customer's data belongs to the customer and should be available to take with them wherever they choose to go, especially when the customer is paying for the service.

I hope they go out of business or someone files a class-action lawsuit against them.

Date of experience: August 15, 2022
New Jersey
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The website has a serious flaw in its programming. If a file/picture is posted to a website with a common name, for example "Scan 1234", and later a totally different file with the same name is posted to that website, the program over-writes the original file/picture and places the latter file/picture in its place, causing incorrect files/pictures to be posted where they shouldn't be, even if its on a totally different webpage of the website..

Date of experience: August 30, 2023


Weebly has a rating of 1.3 stars from 157 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Weebly most frequently mention customer service, live chat and credit card. Weebly ranks 148th among Website Builder sites.
