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W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use, cookie and privacy policy.

Date of experience: July 16, 2019
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Well, to be honest, I am surprised with the tutorials on JavaScript, they are totally amazing! It is a wonderful and amazing free source available online to boost your skills especially web related skills.

Date of experience: April 11, 2019
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W3Schools has established itself as a go-to platform for individuals seeking to enhance their web development skills. With a comprehensive array of tutorials, guides, and interactive exercises, W3Schools serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced developers.

Date of experience: November 12, 2023
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There are a lot of mistakes everywhere. It's just terrible! Not only typographic mistakes but also conceptual mistakes on the topic they are willing to convey to their public.
It seems made by a group of fellow indians who have such low understanding of the tech that power the web. I think the creators are just copy pasting from official doc.

Date of experience: March 15, 2019
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It is a worth for learning python in w3schools not for python. For all other programming languages like web development, android development, desktop application development. It so knowledgeable to learn any courses in

Date of experience: July 15, 2023
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Love this site
January 6, 2019

As a novice programmer, I constantly need to make sure that I use HTML and CSS the correct way. This is where W3 Schools comes in. I have been using them for the past 3 months, and I'm quite happy with the site, especially since it's a free resource.

Date of experience: January 4, 2019
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Very educating.
October 8, 2017

The site is full of materials on various programming languages for dummies and can be a real helping hand if you`re not ready to pay for the course yet but want only surf through the info and decide where to progress next. I strongly recommend!

Date of experience: October 7, 2017
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Follow Tina R.
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This is the most exhaustive reference for all things web development! It should be considering these are the guys who decide what the whole browser language should be and act like. If it were not for this great resource I would be left in the lurch for many a problem I have face in writing good code.

I hope they continue to progress with their schools program to educate more people in what is the language of more and more business these days. So if you are in the market for learning about all things web, then this is almost a one stop reference!

Date of experience: September 22, 2010
14 reviews
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I can tell you from experience that this is one of the best places to learn web programming. They have made it easy to learn buy giving you examples and also a place to try them out. I have taken many college level advanced programming classes and I would say that this website goes hand in hand with them. One of the best things is its free and you can teach yourself. They teach all the most common languages for web programming and do it in an easy to understand way. Just like anything else don't try to jump into PHP before you learn the basics like HTML or Java Scripting. The only reason I say that is that is that is the kind of thing that I have done in my life before I realized you have to start from the start. So give it a try and don't give up like any language it takes some time to learn in the begging but as you become more familiar with it, it becomes easy to build upon it.

Date of experience: July 2, 2011
654 reviews
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Fantastic learning resource. If you want to be a web creator rather than just a surfer, w3schools will teach you how. Coding, scripting, html, xml, javascript, flash, more or less every web discipline is here and everything is free.

Also a good place to get current OS, platform and browser usage statistics - when sites claim that this or that browser is becoming one of the most widely used, for example *cough chrome cough*.

Date of experience: October 30, 2009


W3Schools has a rating of 3.6 stars from 43 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with W3Schools most frequently mention and web development. W3Schools ranks 1st among HTML sites.
