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Virtualbox is a great way to learn and figure out what a program actually does and behave without affecting my actual system. I can see what a program does in a "safe space" and when everything goes downhill, I don't have to worry as it is just a virtual environment.

Date of experience: December 27, 2016
140 reviews
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Do you like experimenting with computers? Do you often install programs from the internet that you're not sure is safe? Then I would like to recommend this.

This software installs a virtual Operating System (OS) within your computer. It is often used to experiment with new programs, or to learn how to set something up. For example - you have W7 and want to install TrueCrypt, but first you want to install it in a virtual OS to make sure you get it right before installing it on your actual computer. This prevents you from making mistakes on your actual computer - so its a really handy tool to have.

Date of experience: July 3, 2011
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October 8, 2016

First VM I have ever used, well almost used. Downloaded, Installed and my linux os is there but so is something else! Lucky Star? Was it already on my computer (virus or malware) or did it come with VirtualBox? Took awhile to figure out it came with the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manger. Doesn't mention it anywhere on the site that I found and searches didn't connect the two together. Not even sure what it is but KNOW I don't like software piggy-backing into my computer. Hoodwinked and just wasted an hour and am now afraid to use this VM. If is legit than they should be ashamed of themselves. Two hours into trying to learn and switch to Linux and I am done for now!

Date of experience: October 8, 2016
New York
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One of the best VM's
September 18, 2017

VirtualBox is very fast and stable on my i7 machine. It has the right hooks to run a VM right on the hardware in Windows 10, which results in a very responsive system. The only downside it you can't run a VM alongside a Docker image because they both want the same hooks which apparently need to be exclusive.

Date of experience: September 18, 2017