I wrote my opinion about a vaccine which killed my dog, and they removed it. I detailed what owners should look for, in a helpful manner. As within 2 months of vaccines, my dog had a terrible death from internal bleeding. Before this, he was healthy. This vaccine is responsible for many deaths and other ailments, your dog does not need L4 unless you allow it wonder in rat infested areas. Beware at your peril or be faced with thousands of pounds in vets bills for 2 weeks of hell with vets scratching the heads. And vets defend it this vaccine... as its money that talks.
Our 11 year old Springer Spaniel Harry began experiencing abdominal pain during the evening. His spasms of pain increased and we took him to the night surgery at Exeter St Davids Vet. After examination and an X-ray, the vet informed us that an expoloratory laparotomy (opening up the abdomen) was required. We were asked to pay £2400+ (see screen-shot) by debit card or cash before the operation! The diagnosis was obstruction due to a small spherical pebble that was simply "milked" through the intestine and out through the back-passage. Harry recovered well and we brought him home the next day, a few hours after his operation. We feel that the cost was arbitrary, demanded without feeling and over the top.
I tried to leave a review about Forest House on a couple of occasions. The review I wrote was about the negative experience my pet got subjected to and my aim was to show the surgery up for whom they really are.
My review was never published, so it makes me wonder if VetHelpDirect only publish complimentary reviews...
Going through the site and doing plenty of combinations of things, I've yet to find something that doesn't say you need to go to the vet in the next 12-24 hours. Even a couple of sneezes, with no other symptoms, means a rush to the vet on this site. For health problems, I wouldn't suggest using this website.
The links section is great, however.
This service actively seeks to obtain positive reviews and suppress negative reviews which goes against the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. They were given my details to request a review of the vet practice that I used to deal with so they could be entered to win 'Best UK Vet 2021' Yet when I responded with a negative review they said they would not be publishing it using the excuse that there was not physical evidence to support my review. Absolute rubbish since the evidence is containing in the the vets own records (which I have copies of). This company only publishes positive reviews and requires investigating by the CMA.
A superb site - particularly invaluable in the middle of the night