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North Carolina
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My favorite!
June 27, 2020

Does it get any better than Joshua tree and Rattle and Hum. I've probably listened to both five hundred times. Don't take my word for it though, if you are in the one percent of people who haven't heard U2, go check them out immediately.

Date of experience: June 27, 2020
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I've been a huge U2 fan for over 30 yrs (wow! I guess I really must be old. Lol). I've seen them live at least 8+ times over those years.
Last year (June'17) my girlfriend & I saw them in Chicago for their Joshua Tree 30-yr anniv concert (fairly expensive). They seemed like they punched a clock & were there as if they were working a job. Very little excitement. They opened with an obscure song that few people even know (a "B side" song not even on any album). Worse, it's a very mellow song.
When they played Joshua Tree songs, they played them literally in order as they are on the album (boring). Bono even announced "side 2" before the 1st song on the 2nd side of the record.
U2 is capable of sooo much more than this mediocre performance. Every time I've seen them in the past, they were at least ten times as good as that night.
They really let us fans down.

Date of experience: July 19, 2018
2 reviews
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Make U2 look like Disney, cluttered and heavily commercialized

Date of experience: August 5, 2009