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Tutorialspoint is a good resource for those studding about Computer Science. This helped me with my studies in Computer Science over the years I Have spent studying and every time I have a question 9/10 time this site has given me the answer. The only con of this site is that it is solely text based which can make it a little boring. That is mainly why if anything I would use this site mainly for reference purposes.

Date of experience: April 19, 2014
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I've paid for and am taking the Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced course. This is a very outdated course. It's hard to follow because all the programs mentioned are in much newer versions that don't even look like what's in the video. Plus he's using mac which is completely different than windows. Everything he's saying to do with his computer is different on mine. There should be a separate course for windows and mac. He's talking about Android 7 being the latest version, it's all the way to 14 now. He's using JAVA 8, and it's at 21 now, I had to google how to get JDK 21 running on my windows 11 computer. The Android Studio app is so different now it looks and behaves like a completely different app, I have pause the video frequently just to find the function he's talking about. In the very first intro video he says that this course will be constantly updated; that apparently isn't true. I'm glad it was only $10, I wish I could get a refund. Not a recommended course.

Date of experience: October 6, 2023
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Loved it..
May 3, 2018

Tutorials Point is the knowledgeable site. This site very helpful to my study. This site language is simple english language and understandable...

Date of experience: May 2, 2018