Black Belt Academy

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AVOID this ATA Newton Black Belt Academy: wants you to sign a contract; continues to pressure you to sign longer and more expensive contracts; belt factory - frequent expensive belt exams, if you pay, you pass! Buddies activities = using your kids to bring in their friends (aka. Potential customers) for fun activities, eg. Boardbreaking, but if they dont bring in buddies, they dont get to participate and just watch others having fun; boring repetitive classes, mostly talking and stretching, very little practice.
I found this very informative article, by a TKW school in the US. It talks about how to choose a good martial art school by AVOIDING BAD SCHOOLS.

I wish Id found this before signing my contract with Newton Black Belt - which I left anyway because I was just wasting my time and and $$$ not learning anything!
I am training at a real school now.
I hope this article will help you in your research for a good martial art school.

Date of experience: June 10, 2018