After reading a 27 page pdf they expect you to be able to pass an exceedingly hard exam with very little in the way of "training". Hours of my life wasted at the mere chance of making a paltry $1 per 20 min of work. Their rules are arbitrary and don't follow any real rhyme or reason, but merely follow their own preferences.
This website is an absolute waste of time. Almost like 24/7 it says, "All work is currently assigned. Please check back shortly for more work and thank you for working with TranscribeMe." Always hiring but no jobs at all. The qualifying exam was a waste of time. I did it for like two hours. I hope this serves as a warning to anyone who plans to apply to this company. So sad. :(
Hi, I just would like to thank TranscribeMe for being so fast and accurate with their transcripts. Transcript was sent back earlier than expected and it was just flawless! It really was a plus for me in my projects and thesis. The best. You're just simply the best.