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Poor Customer service
March 28, 2022

I just called them to ask them explain if my case was reported to DMV. They didn't ask for information to look up my case specifically. The agent only gave me general information and he was rushed to hang up the phone, even though I told him his explanation was not helpful, and he did not try to explain things further. They're basically no help. You get what you see on the website. Basically no customer service.

Date of experience: March 28, 2022
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I'm upping my review because the certificate did make it over to the DMV without a hitch. So, while the customer service and submission program quality were meh, it did accomplish what it was supposed to.

Date of experience: August 30, 2014
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Signed up with TicketNoMore. Came back later and try to sign back on. I had 2 questions, CDL# and birth date. They assigned these 2 questions to me. Something everyone should have memorized. My date of birth MM/DD/YY was to be my password. They gave me a wrong date. 10/22/57 is my date of birth after trying to sign on 4 or 5 times I gave up and called there 800 #. After talking to the jerk they have working for them I realized they gave me a birth date of 10/23/57. He tried telling me how to fix the problem, I told him you guys messed up you should fix it. That I never pick a date of birth for a password. He put me on hold after asking me my name. When he came back on he told me "I was refunded me money it was 9:00 at night and he didn't want to mess with it. Would not give me his name and hung up. WOW After giving it a few minutes I called back got a name, don't know if it is really his name and was told they had the right to refuse my business.
WOW "TicketNoMore" Thanks but no thanks

Date of experience: March 8, 2016