Great place to sell all your old game collections pays super fast communicates every step of the way will always sell my unwanted games here love this store brandon is super great
Answer: It's legit! I was worried, too, but after spending time reading everything on the site, I decided to take a chance because I had to get rid of my game consoles and games before a move, so the worst that could happen is they scam me, I lose out on items that I didn't want anyway, so I was willing to take the chance. They are very responsive to questions, so you can reach them directly pretty easily, too. Once they received my consoles and games and reviewed them, or I guess tried them out (one of my controllers didn't work, so they didn't pay for that one), they sent me an email with their proposed amount, which came out to around $300, and I accepted, and then it was in my PayPal account the same day.