This lady ignored me twice changing the subject when I told her the doctor told me a lie about what I owed. I asked to complain to the manager and she ended the conversation. They're literally too lazy to collect payment from a designated source when they were already told once through the hospital to do so. They wanna collect money but they don't want all of the responsibilities that come with that. It's a call center? Then hang up the phone, and call who I tell you. They are otherwise known as plantation billing center.
Admitted through Medical Center Emergency Room. The registration clerk put in wrong zip code resulting in wrong address on bills. I never received any statement from the physicians, so I was turned over for collection. Talking to the collection service was a hassle and so embarrassing, but found out they didn't even try to get a corrected address or anything from a March admit...called several times to try to pay the bill but always get the recorded message referring me to the website to pay the bill. I never received a bill so I can not give an account number. This is a low rate service for the public to have to deal with when trying to pay.
Sent 1st bill back with insurance info so they could bill insurance company. They sent the same bill again a month later with no description of services or dates just stating past due.
Called them up gave them acct info and they asked how can we help you. They now wanted ss number. What a pain in the A. They were hoping I would just pay the bill they never sent a letter asking for ss number. Crap outfit!
I made the payment online and even spoke to someone after I did. But never received a confirmation email and the person I spoke to told me it would take 3 days to process. Next thing I know I received a letter from a bill collector saying that I owe the balance. I checked my bank and it showed the transaction was done. I just cant believe those people would send my name to bill collector after getting my money. Now I have to send them my personal bank statement proven I made the payment. I hope I never have to deal with those people anymore