They want you to get the impression you have no clue about traffic rules. They offer a five question "practice" test which you must fail because it spits out the wrong answers. This should create the impression that only purchasing their test preparation materials will help you pass the actual exam. Highly dubious "testimonials," as usual for this kind of sites.
I guess i shouldve tried this on one device. I would try it on my phone and laptop and i didnt always have the coupon# w/me so i didnt get to use this to the fullest. But im grateful for finding this because it has been awhile that i had to take a written test.
Any questions that they gave me apply to the state of Massachusetts, I think that applies more to the state of California, plus 90% of the questions help people who want to get a license to drive a car
I specified that I wanted to test my motorcycle.
I am not satisfied with the service
I demanded my money back
Feb -8-2011@ 11:16 pm