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As a motor biker and safety being important I bought what I felt was the best camera out there for size and quality. Not cheap at nearly £300.00 and for a while it gave good service until the input port separated from the main board. Still under warranty it was replaced and I was so pleased I bought another as a dash cam. Now the same fault has occurred again with the port breaking away from the main board. Once is bad luck but twice... What is worse is that this time I have been fobbed off with the offer of a 10% discount on a new camera. I don't want to pay for a new camera and offered to pay for repair of this one. Again I was fobbed off. This is a good camera when working but I have to question how robust it is for sports camera. Despite praising this camera in the past in light of the way I have been fobbed of I would have my doubts about buying a new one when there are plenty of new arrivals on the market a lot cheaper and hopefully more robust. It is up to you of course but my advice is consider other options.

Date of experience: June 23, 2018