What's disappointing about this game is it is a ram hog when it comes to graphics quality. Low graphics display can easily make a player not all that interested. Movement during play is smooth unless you experience lag. The repair installation button doesn't work. With the use of bitraider for streaming updates, it can be at fault for not being able to get into the game, as it crashes every time you press play. Staff rarely to never helps in the forums to fix current game problems. Players suggestions for such are either outdated or simply don't work. Customer relations are bad. They won't even restore a deleted character. You really don't know what you're buying into their prepaid cards. Cartel coins or subscription? Free-to-play gets less of everything. Only thing this game has got going in it's favor is the story driven parts. Whether you are Jedi or Sith there's no consequences for the choices you make, as your success is assured regardless.
With it's special effects, flair of sounds and so much variety, along with it being story driven, makes it addictive in fun to play. Not to leave out, funny things you hear npc characters say. You make choices which there are no apparent consequence, as if predestined for success regardless. It won't matter if your Jedi or Sith. BioWare's high end graphics uses too much ram of which you have to have at least 8 to 13 GB at present to get the game to run smoothly and have quality display. Otherwise you get terrible lag and too dull graphics, enough to make anyone discouraged to continuously play it. Updates have caused assortment of problems that keeps players from getting into the game. Repair installation button never works. Forum player suggestion to fix game problems are most misleading or outdated. Settings to make adjustments is wrongly placed inside the game and once you press apply, you're not given plenty of time to keep changes made. Will not restore any deleted character. Paid subscribers have more over free-to-play. Several remaining glitches in the game are seeing other player's character run up on a ramp and appear to fall through it or your own companion disappears under the floor boards or ground. Including seeing others looking like they are riding on the seat of their pants, holding what looks like two sticks in both hands, when they are actually riding something. Unlike other prepaid game cards, it's not made clear as to what you're actually buying into. Cartel coins or paid subscriber? Enough to make a person discouraged of looking to buy anything available in the cartel market.
The game (SWTOR) is awesome. I play it several times a week with a great guild. The website is okay... forums are good but, they have a lot of problems with one time passwords not being sent so you have to call in.