Summit Medical Group

Summit Medical Group

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If you are considering the possibility of moving to Knoxville, TN and/or Knox County, you will need to secure Medical Care and a Primary Care Manager. Highly recommend Dr. Mallory Trevino and any of the great Doctors at Summit Medical - Deane Hill. First rate service, awesome Patient Portal, a virtual one stop shop with care available 7 Days a week to include late hours. Professional Staff, simply the best we have had since relocating from Central Michigan. Appointments are easy to come by, Dr. Trevino will assess multiple issues, referrals are easy to include the Nurse making your next appointment. Lets face it your relationship with your Doctor is important and critical, essential to your health and well being. Signing up with Summit Medical Group - Deane Hill will be the best decision you can make - recommended at Six (6) Stars.

Date of experience: November 18, 2015