Spindle Mattress

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Love it! So much so that I decided to write a quick short review. I actually first made my decision by reading https://www.topmattress.com/spindle-bed-review/ which really helped me understand if I should go with them or not. I have it for about a week now and boy! It's like sleeping on clouds! I feel so rested in the morning it's crazy!

Date of experience: May 7, 2018
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Trying to buy a mattress is awful. Most are overpriced junk with worthless warranties. Spindle is the exception. Their website is a treasure trove of information that can help you decide what firmness is best for you. If you have any questions, you can always call or e-mail and Neal will respond in no time. If you live in Massachusetts you can check out their outlet and actually try the various firmness levels yourself. But best of all - Spindle mattresses are an AMAZING deal. You are getting a true ALL latex mattress. Other dealers will sell you a so-called "latex" mattress if the only think latex-about it is the 1 inch topper. The rest will be junk and they'll charge you your first born child for the privilege. Not so with Spindle. Spindle's mattress is all latex. In fact, they use 3,3" layers so you can configure the mattress that is perfect for you. Not one size fits. Not 3 levels but everything from extra soft to FIRM. I went with a medium after going through 2 of the more famous start-ups selling cheap latex-foam hybrid mattresses and an inner spring mattress with latex topper from a certain imax furniture store local to Boston. Spindle is the best.

Date of experience: December 22, 2015